First ever Udemy Eiffel course has gone live

by William Steinberg (modified: 2024 Jun 28)

After 39 years, Eiffel joins C, C++, Java, C#, F#, Ruby on Rails as having a Udemy course!

The course is "Eiffel Console Programming for C# / OO Developers" with URL

The cost is $39.99 and doesn't play in pricing games, sometimes $9.99, sometimes $19.99, etc. Given that Eiffel costs around $80/month for the licensed version, $39.99 for lifetime access is more than fair.

This is my first Udemy course, so it may be rough around the edges. The videos are basic, without much post production editing, such as highlighting icons.

There are additional lectures that I will come back to after creating the next Eiffel for .NET Core Udemy course.

Given that this is the ONLY Eiffel programming language course in Udemy, it is really, really hard to find via search words in such as "Eiffel language" or "Eiffel programming"

I don't have any "discount codes" as this is a "new Udemy course". Perhaps in 10 days, I may receive such benefits.

Anyone with an extra $39.99 in their pockets is welcome to pay for the course and critique it. The best critiques would be things that I got wrong, or where there are better ways to do it, as well as typos. It would be great if additional examples are suggested. All suggestions are welcome.

Unlike most Udemy courses, this one is Text and Examples heavy. It is heavily based on OOSC2. Many examples are in both C# and Eiffel, as a Rosetta Stone. There are the minimum number of videos to meet 30 minute minimum of videos.

The next Udemy course to be built is Eiffel for .NET Core. This will include creating ASP.NET Web Applications as well as Window Presentation Foundation rich client applications, with the full power of Design by Contract.

Several of the examples in OOSC2 break Eiffel 24.05.

If you know of developers wanting to learn Eiffel, but couldn't quite get there, this course may help them become genuine Eiffel developers.

It would be appreciated if Eiffel Software provide a link to this course in "external resources".

Thank you,
Brother Bill