Eiffel-Loop news (July 2016)

by Finnian Reilly (modified: 2016 Jul 15)

About Eiffel-Loop

First launched in 2003, Eiffel-Loop is a collection of Eiffel libraries, example programs and development tools consisting of over 435 thousand code words* in more than 1700 classes. It also includes a sophisticated build system written in Python.

New release 1.4.0 on Github

For this release a major effort has been made to make Eiffel-Loop more modular with fewer inter-dependencies between libraries. In particular, most modules no longer depend on the logging module, but only the class EL_MODULE_LIO which is merely an alternative to io output.

Full release notes here: github.com/finnianr/Eiffel-Loop/releases/tag/1.4.0

New website

The Eiffel-Loop website has been completely redesigned to act as a repository browser. You can explore the full source code of Eiffel-Loop at www.eiffel-loop.com.

New Respository Publisher

This release includes a new tool for publishing repositories as HTML. See article: Eiffel-View, the new Eiffel repository publishing tool


  • Code words include keywords, identifier words and quoted strings, but excludes comments and indexing notes.

  • Berend de Boer (8 years ago 15/7/2016)

    Which is?

    I suppose the first thing people want to know "What is Eiffel-Loop"? That question is nowhere answered...

    • Finnian Reilly (8 years ago 15/7/2016)

      About Eiffel-Loop

      Although the domain eiffel-loop.com was first registered in 2003, you are right, and perhaps I shouldn't assume that everyone knows what it is. I have added an "About Eiffel-Loop" at the top.

      • Berend de Boer (8 years ago 15/7/2016)

        Sorry, was more thinking about the git intro: https://github.com/finnianr/Eiffel-Loop

        Reading your about, it doesn't address the question why I want to use it. It's a bunch of classes. Most Eiffel libraries are :-)

        • Finnian Reilly (8 years ago 16/7/2016)

          Github readme

          you mean the readme.md, yes, good point. I will do something about that.