Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel
class EV_TREE_ITEM General cluster: interface description: "Item for use with EV_TREE. A tree item is also a tree-item container because if we create a tree-item with a tree-item as parent, the parent will become a subtree." keywords: "tree, item, leaf, node, branch" create: default_create, make_with_text Ancestors EV_TREE_NODE* Action sequences collapse_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE conforming_pick_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE deselect_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE drop_actions: EV_PND_ACTION_SEQUENCE expand_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE pick_actions: EV_PND_START_ACTION_SEQUENCE pick_ended_actions: EV_PND_FINISHED_ACTION_SEQUENCE pointer_button_press_actions: EV_POINTER_BUTTON_ACTION_SEQUENCE pointer_double_press_actions: EV_POINTER_BUTTON_ACTION_SEQUENCE pointer_motion_actions: EV_POINTER_MOTION_ACTION_SEQUENCE select_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE Queries accept_cursor: EV_POINTER_STYLE after: BOOLEAN at alias "@" (i: INTEGER_32): [like item] EV_TREE_NODE attached_parent: [attached like parent] attached EV_TREE_NODE_LIST before: BOOLEAN Changeable_comparison_criterion: BOOLEAN configurable_target_menu_handler: detachable PROCEDURE [EV_MENU, ARRAYED_LIST [EV_PND_TARGET_DATA], EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE, detachable ANY] count: INTEGER_32 cursor: EV_DYNAMIC_LIST_CURSOR [EV_TREE_NODE] data: detachable ANY debug_output: STRING_32 default_identifier_name: STRING_32 deny_cursor: EV_POINTER_STYLE dpi: NATURAL_32 exhausted: BOOLEAN extendible: BOOLEAN first: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE for_all (test: FUNCTION [EV_TREE_NODE, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN Full: BOOLEAN full_identifier_path: STRING_32 has (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE): BOOLEAN has_identifier_name_set: BOOLEAN has_parent: BOOLEAN has_recursively (an_item: EV_TREE_NODE): BOOLEAN height: INTEGER_32 i_th alias "[]" (i: INTEGER_32): [like item] EV_TREE_NODE id_freed: BOOLEAN id_object (an_id: INTEGER_32): detachable IDENTIFIED identifier_name: STRING_32 index: INTEGER_32 index_of (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE; i: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 is_bridge_ok (a_string: STRING_32): BOOLEAN is_cloned (a_string: STRING_32): BOOLEAN is_destroyed: BOOLEAN is_empty: BOOLEAN is_equal (other: [like Current] EV_TREE_ITEM): BOOLEAN is_expandable: BOOLEAN is_expanded: BOOLEAN is_inserted (v: EV_TREE_NODE): BOOLEAN is_parent_recursive (a_list: EV_TREE_NODE): BOOLEAN is_selectable: BOOLEAN is_selected: BOOLEAN isfirst: BOOLEAN islast: BOOLEAN item: EV_TREE_NODE item_for_iteration: EV_TREE_NODE last: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE linear_representation: LINEAR [EV_TREE_NODE] Lower: INTEGER_32 minimum_height: INTEGER_32 minimum_width: INTEGER_32 mode_is_configurable_target_menu: BOOLEAN mode_is_drag_and_drop: BOOLEAN mode_is_pick_and_drop: BOOLEAN mode_is_target_menu: BOOLEAN new_cursor: INDEXABLE_ITERATION_CURSOR [EV_TREE_NODE] object_comparison: BOOLEAN object_id: INTEGER_32 occurrences (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE): INTEGER_32 off: BOOLEAN parent: detachable EV_TREE_NODE_LIST parent_tree: detachable EV_TREE pebble: detachable ANY pebble_function: detachable FUNCTION [detachable ANY] pebble_positioning_enabled: BOOLEAN pebble_x_position: INTEGER_32 pebble_y_position: INTEGER_32 pixmap: detachable EV_PIXMAP prunable: BOOLEAN readable: BOOLEAN replaceable: BOOLEAN retrieve_item_by_data (some_data: ANY; should_compare_objects: BOOLEAN): detachable EV_TREE_NODE retrieve_item_recursively_by_data (some_data: ANY; should_compare_objects: BOOLEAN): detachable EV_TREE_NODE retrieve_items_by_data (some_data: ANY; should_compare_objects: BOOLEAN): ARRAYED_LIST [EV_TREE_NODE] retrieve_items_recursively_by_data (some_data: ANY; should_compare_objects: BOOLEAN): ARRAYED_LIST [EV_TREE_NODE] same (other: EV_ANY): BOOLEAN screen_x: INTEGER_32 screen_y: INTEGER_32 target_data_function: detachable FUNCTION [[like pebble] detachable ANY, EV_PND_TARGET_DATA] target_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL text: STRING_32 there_exists (test: FUNCTION [EV_TREE_NODE, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN tooltip: STRING_32 valid_cursor (p: CURSOR): BOOLEAN valid_cursor_index (i: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN valid_index (i: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN width: INTEGER_32 writable: BOOLEAN x_position: INTEGER_32 y_position: INTEGER_32 Commands append (s: SEQUENCE [[like item] EV_TREE_NODE]) back collapse compare_objects compare_references destroy disable_pebble_positioning disable_select dispose dl_append (s: SEQUENCE [EV_TREE_NODE]) dl_extend (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) dl_force (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) dl_prune (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) dl_put_front (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) dl_put_i_th (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE; i: INTEGER_32) dl_put_left (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) dl_put_right (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) dl_replace (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) do_all (action: PROCEDURE [EV_TREE_NODE]) do_if (action: PROCEDURE [EV_TREE_NODE]; test: FUNCTION [EV_TREE_NODE, BOOLEAN]) enable_pebble_positioning enable_select expand extend (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) fill (other: CONTAINER [EV_TREE_NODE]) finish force (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) forth free_id go_i_th (i: INTEGER_32) go_to (p: CURSOR) merge_left (other: [like Current] EV_TREE_ITEM) merge_right (other: [like Current] EV_TREE_ITEM) move (i: INTEGER_32) prune (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) prune_all (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) put (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) put_front (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) put_i_th (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE; i: INTEGER_32) put_left (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) put_right (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) recursive_do_all (action: PROCEDURE [EV_TREE_NODE]) remove remove_i_th (i: INTEGER_32) remove_left remove_pebble remove_pixmap remove_right remove_text remove_tooltip replace (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) search (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) sequence_put (v: [like item] EV_TREE_NODE) set_accept_cursor (a_cursor: [detachable like accept_cursor] detachable EV_POINTER_STYLE) set_configurable_target_menu_handler (a_handler: detachable PROCEDURE [EV_MENU, ARRAYED_LIST [EV_PND_TARGET_DATA], EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE, detachable ANY]) set_configurable_target_menu_mode set_data (some_data: [like data] detachable ANY) set_deny_cursor (a_cursor: [detachable like deny_cursor] detachable EV_POINTER_STYLE) set_drag_and_drop_mode set_identifier_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) set_pebble (a_pebble: ANY) set_pebble_function (a_function: FUNCTION [detachable ANY]) set_pebble_position (a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32) set_pick_and_drop_mode set_pixmap (a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP) set_target_data_function (a_function: FUNCTION [[like pebble] detachable ANY, EV_PND_TARGET_DATA]) set_target_menu_mode set_target_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) set_text (a_text: separate READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) set_tooltip (a_tooltip: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) show_configurable_target_menu (a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32) start swap (i: INTEGER_32) toggle wipe_out -- Generated by Eiffel Studio --
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