Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel
class WEL_TREE_VIEW_INSERT_STRUCT General cluster: wel description: "Contains information used to add a new item to a tree-view control. Note: The common controls dll (WEL_COMMON_CONTROLS_DLL) needs to be loaded to use this control." create: make Ancestors WEL_STRUCTURE* WEL_TVI_CONSTANTS Queries exists: BOOLEAN insert_after: POINTER is_equal (other: [like Current] WEL_TREE_VIEW_INSERT_STRUCT): BOOLEAN item: POINTER parent: POINTER shared: BOOLEAN Structure_size: INTEGER_32 tree_view_item: WEL_TREE_VIEW_ITEM tvi_first: POINTER tvi_last: POINTER tvi_root: POINTER tvi_sort: POINTER user_tree_view_item: detachable WEL_TREE_VIEW_ITEM Commands copy (other: [like Current] WEL_TREE_VIEW_INSERT_STRUCT) dispose initialize initialize_with_character (a_character: CHARACTER_8) memory_copy (source_pointer: POINTER; length: INTEGER_32) set_first set_insert_after (a_insert_after: POINTER) set_item (an_item: POINTER) set_last set_parent (a_parent: POINTER) set_root set_shared set_sort set_tree_view_item (a_tree_view_item: WEL_TREE_VIEW_ITEM) set_unshared -- Generated by Eiffel Studio --
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