Farewell to Origo
by Manu (modified: 2012 Jun 04)
- Tags:
- origo
On May 31st 2012, the Origo website has ceased its existence. At Eiffel Software, we have migrated the subversion repositories that have a direct impact on us for the development of EiffelStudio. The new URL is https://svn.eiffel.com. Currently we are hosting a self-signed certificate whose fingerprint is a9:77:91:64:83:f5:b1:84:ab:2a:19:68:81:74:0b:05:c4:0a:4d:05 so make sure to accept our certificate after verifying the fingerprint.
The list of projects we have migrated is:
- aranea
- egigs
- eiffel-dom
- eiffelmedia
- eiffelstudio
- eiffelstudio-developers
- elogger
- ems
- ezmq
- goanna
- lookup
- mec
- mersenetwisterrandom
- objc-frameworks-to-eiffel-converter
- origo
- steam
- svg-vision
- thread_extension
- vampeer
Not all projects have a known maintainer so if you want to contribute back to the Eiffel community, please let me know so that we can set you up for contribution.
Happy Eiffeling!