Eiffel Community : bloghttps://www.eiffel.org/nodes/blog/feed2025-01-21T13:45:05ZAutomated Object Data Compaction Revisitedblog:id496-rev12024-10-16T13:27:02Z<div class="wikipage"><p>Revisiting reflection mechanisms to automate the compaction of object data to an expanded numeric type
Finnian ReillyPython and Eiffel: A Comparison in Concisenessblog:id495-rev22024-10-09T15:30:00Z<div class="wikipage"><p>How Eiffel compares favourably to Python in terms of conciseness
Finnian ReillyFirst ever Udemy Eiffel course has gone liveblog:id494-rev22024-06-28T14:40:39ZFirst Udemy tutorial for native Console Eiffel applications is available for $39.99.
https://www.udemy.com/course/eiffel-console-programming-for-c-oo-developers.William SteinbergEiffelStudio 24.05 is available!blog:id492-rev22024-06-14T15:15:18Z<div class="wikipage"><p>We are pleased to announce the availability of EiffelStudio 24.05
AdministratorThe SPOT Architecture Applied to Class ARRAYED_LISTblog:id491-rev22024-03-16T14:56:25Z<div class="wikipage"><p>Why it is important to have a dedicated routine for initializing attributes
Finnian ReillySeven Is A Magic Number: Why 7 Letter Codes Make Senseblog:id489-rev22023-12-18T15:18:35Z<div class="wikipage"><p>Why 7 Letter Codes Are Human Friendly
Finnian ReillyCOBOL inspired numeric formatting for Eiffelblog:id488-rev32023-12-08T11:46:40Z<div class="wikipage"><p>A way to specify numeric formatting in a visual manner
Finnian ReillyAutomating Object Data Compaction to Expanded Numeric Typesblog:id487-rev42023-10-25T16:35:59Z<div class="wikipage"><p>Applying reflection mechanisms to automate the compaction of object data to an expanded numeric type
Finnian ReillyEiffelStudio 23.09 is available!blog:id486-rev72023-10-02T13:53:11Z<div class="wikipage"><p>We are pleased to announce the availability of EiffelStudio 23.09.
Jocelyn-FiatA Tool to Obtain Eiffel Code Metrics Across Many Librariesblog:id485-rev22023-09-16T14:24:14ZFinnian ReillyThe Surprising Cost of Type Checking in Eiffelblog:id484-rev32023-08-29T17:08:15Z<div class="wikipage"><p>Do you think that type checking in Eiffel has a trivial performance cost. Think again !
Finnian ReillyA safer way to get/set parts of a compact number using contractsblog:id483-rev142023-01-31T15:29:36Z<div class="wikipage"><p>Introducing some utility classes for applying contracts to safe bit-setting
Finnian ReillyEiffelStudio 22.12 is available!blog:id482-rev22023-01-09T13:44:26Z<div class="wikipage"><p>We are pleased to announce the availability of EiffelStudio 22.12.
Jocelyn-FiatAcing Eiffel Configuration filesblog:id481-rev12022-07-05T17:46:02Z<div class="wikipage"><p>A worthy successor to Eiffel Ace file
Finnian ReillyThree Memory Conservation Techniquesblog:id480-rev102022-06-19T15:03:01Z<div class="wikipage"><p>Three techniques to reduce the memory footprint of Eiffel objects
Finnian ReillyEiffelStudio 22.05 is available!blog:id479-rev32022-05-31T11:15:44Z<div class="wikipage"><p>We are pleased to announce the availability of EiffelStudio 22.05.
Jocelyn-FiatEiffelStudio 21.11 is available!blog:id478-rev32022-02-11T14:39:10Z<div class="wikipage"><p>We are pleased to announce the availability of EiffelStudio 21.11.
AdministratorGobo 22.01 releasedblog:id477-rev12022-01-09T20:57:09ZEric BezaultEiffelStudio 20.11 is now available!blog:id476-rev52020-12-21T09:04:07Z<div class="wikipage"><p>We are pleased to announce the availability of EiffelStudio 20.11.
Jocelyn-FiatOnce classesblog:id475-rev82020-12-14T13:11:36Z<div class="wikipage"><p>A brief overview of once classes, their syntax and semantics.
Alexander KogtenkovCompile-time guarantees for string contentblog:id472-rev62020-07-06T13:56:24Z<div class="wikipage"><p>String classes are moving towards preservation of string object content when mixing different string types.
Alexander KogtenkovUnicode aliasesblog:id470-rev72020-06-08T13:32:12Z<div class="wikipage"><p>In addition to symbolic forms of loops, EiffelStudio 20.05 adds a possibility to use mathematical notation in expressions.
Alexander KogtenkovGobo 20.05 releasedblog:id469-rev12020-05-31T13:42:25ZEric BezaultGobo 20.03 releasedblog:id468-rev12020-03-22T09:12:58ZEric BezaultSymbolic forms of loopsblog:id467-rev182020-03-16T13:45:10Z<div class="wikipage"><p>Iteration forms of loops (with keyword "across") turned out to be more concise and convenient shortcuts to the regular ones. This post introduces even shorter variants that resemble the notation found in math.
Alexander Kogtenkov