EiffelStudio installation scripts

by Jocelyn-Fiat (modified: 2022 Nov 15)

On Linux: install.sh

To easily install latest EiffelStudio on Linux: curl -sSL https://www.eiffel.org/setup/install.sh | bash

Note: EiffelStudio will be installed in your current directory, you will find an eiffel_*.rc file to configure your environment.

Or you can download the file install.sh and execute it in a terminal.

On Windows: install.bat

To easily install latest EiffelStudio on Windows: curl -sSL -o %TEMP%\get-es.bat https://www.eiffel.org/setup/install.bat && call %TEMP%\get-es.bat && del %TEMP%\get-es.bat Or you can download the file install.bat and execute it in a dos console.

Requirements: The installation script requires 7z.exe, curl.exe (or wget.exe).
Note: EiffelStudio will be installed in your current directory, you will find a eiffel_*.bat file to configure your environment.
Warning: installing EiffelStudio using the .msi file is safer as it performs additional registration operations useful for specific tools.


You can customize the installation with the following environment variables:

  • ISE_CHANNEL: latest (default), nightly, custom <major.minor.build> (i.e 17.05.100416 if it exists)
  • ISE_PLATFORM: if not set, the script tries to find an expected value

On Linux, you can also pass arguments to the script using ... | bash -s <channel> <platform>.

For instance:

  • curl -sSL ... | bash -s nightly
  • curl -sSL ... | bash -s latest linux-x86-64

On Windows, you can also use similar arguments (e.g., ...\get-es.bat nightly).