Mar 03New preprint: Seamless and Traceable Requirements
Maria Naumcheva, Sophie Ebersold, Jean-Michel Bruel and Bertrand Meyer, UOOR: Seamless and Traceable Requirements, submitted for publication, February 2025, preprint available on arXiv. This article grew out of Maria Naumcheva’s PhD thesis defended on December 18 at the University of Toulouse (I will write separately about the thesis as a whole). It is part of […]
The post New preprint: Seamless and Traceable Requirements appeared first on Bertrand Meyer's technology+ blog.
Feb 28New preprint: Loop unrolling — formal definition and application to testing
Li Huang, Bertrand Meyer and Reto Weber, New preprint: Loop unrolling:� formal definition and application to testing, February 2025, submitted to publication. Available here on arXiv and also here. Abstract Testing coverage criteria usually make a gross simplification: they assume that loops will have their bodies executed 0 or 1 time. How much (specificall,y how […]
The post New preprint: Loop unrolling — formal definition and application to testing appeared first on Bertrand Meyer's technology+ blog.
Feb 26New paper: seeding contradiction
Just published: Li Huang, Bertrand Meyer and Manuel Oriol, Seeding Contradiction: a fast method for generating full-coverage test suites, in Springer Nature Computer Science, vol. 6, no. 4, 2025. The text is available here on the publisher’s site. Also available is a preprint version. This just published SNCS article and revised and extended from a […]
The post New paper: seeding contradiction appeared first on Bertrand Meyer's technology+ blog.
Feb 25New preprint: Programming Really Is Simple Mathematics
Feb 13New preprint: Software engineering as a domain to formalize
Bertrand Meyer, Software engineering as a domain to formalize, available here. This article is meant as a blog but was written as a standard text and I haven’t had the time to HTML-ize yet. So I am just providing an abstract below, and linking to the PDF which gives the details. The purpose is simple: […]
The post New preprint: Software engineering as a domain to formalize appeared first on Bertrand Meyer's technology+ blog.
Feb 11EiffelStudio 25.02 is available!
We are pleased to announce the availability of EiffelStudio 25.02
2024, Oct 16Automated Object Data Compaction Revisited
Revisiting reflection mechanisms to automate the compaction of object data to an expanded numeric type
2024, Oct 09Python and Eiffel: A Comparison in Conciseness
How Eiffel compares favourably to Python in terms of conciseness
2024, Aug 15Freely accessible books
Recently I prepared some of my books for free access on the Web (after gaining agreement from the publishers). Here are the corresponding links. They actually point to pages that present the respective books and have further links to the actual PDF versions. Although the texts are essentially those of the books as published, I […]
The post Freely accessible books appeared first on Bertrand Meyer's technology+ blog.
2024, Jul 14The French School of Programming
July 14 (still here for 15 minutes) is not a bad opportunity to announced the publication of a new book: The French School of Programming. The book is a collection of chapters, thirteen of them, by rock stars of programming and software engineering research (plus me), preceded by a Foreword by Jim Woodcock and a […]
The post The French School of Programming appeared first on Bertrand Meyer's technology+ blog.
2024, Jun 28First ever Udemy Eiffel course has gone liveFirst Udemy tutorial for native Console Eiffel applications is available for $39.99. -
2024, Jun 14EiffelStudio 24.05 is available!
We are pleased to announce the availability of EiffelStudio 24.05
2024, Mar 16The SPOT Architecture Applied to Class ARRAYED_LIST
Why it is important to have a dedicated routine for initializing attributes
2023, Dec 18Seven Is A Magic Number: Why 7 Letter Codes Make Sense
Why 7 Letter Codes Are Human Friendly
2023, Dec 08COBOL inspired numeric formatting for Eiffel
A way to specify numeric formatting in a visual manner
2023, Oct 25Automating Object Data Compaction to Expanded Numeric Types
Applying reflection mechanisms to automate the compaction of object data to an expanded numeric type
2023, Oct 02EiffelStudio 23.09 is available!
We are pleased to announce the availability of EiffelStudio 23.09.
2023, Sep 16A Tool to Obtain Eiffel Code Metrics Across Many Libraries
2023, Aug 29The Surprising Cost of Type Checking in Eiffel
Do you think that type checking in Eiffel has a trivial performance cost. Think again !
2023, Jun 15New article: scenarios versus OO requirements
Maria Naumcheva, Sophie Ebersold, Alexandr Naumchev, Jean-Michel Bruel, Florian Galinier and Bertrand Meyer: Object-Oriented Requirements: a Unified Framework for Specifications, Scenarios and Tests, in JOT (Journal of Object Technology), vol. 22, no. 1, pages 1:1-19, 2023. Available here with link to PDF� (the journal is open-access). From the abstract: A paradox of requirements specifications as […]
The post New article: scenarios versus OO requirements appeared first on Bertrand Meyer's technology+ blog.
2023, May 08Statement Considered Harmful
I�harbor no illusion about the effectiveness of airing this particular pet peeve; complaining about it has about the same chance of success as protesting against split infinitives or music in restaurants. Still, it is worth mentioning that the widespread use of the word “statement” to denote a programming language element, such as an assignment, that […]
The post Statement Considered Harmful appeared first on Bertrand Meyer's technology+ blog.
2023, Mar 24“Object Success” now available
A full, free online version of Object Success (1995) I am continuing the process of releasing some of my earlier books. Already available: Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages (see here) and Object-Oriented Software Construction, 2nd edition (see here). The latest addition is Object Success, a book that introduced object technology to managers […]
The post “Object Success” now available appeared first on Bertrand Meyer's technology+ blog.
2023, Jan 31A safer way to get/set parts of a compact number using contracts
Introducing some utility classes for applying contracts to safe bit-setting
2023, Jan 09EiffelStudio 22.12 is available!
We are pleased to announce the availability of EiffelStudio 22.12.
2022, Jul 05Acing Eiffel Configuration files
A worthy successor to Eiffel Ace file
2022, Jun 19Three Memory Conservation Techniques
Three techniques to reduce the memory footprint of Eiffel objects
2022, May 31EiffelStudio 22.05 is available!
We are pleased to announce the availability of EiffelStudio 22.05.
2022, Feb 11EiffelStudio 21.11 is available!
We are pleased to announce the availability of EiffelStudio 21.11.
2022, Jan 09Gobo 22.01 released
2020, Dec 21EiffelStudio 20.11 is now available!
We are pleased to announce the availability of EiffelStudio 20.11.
2020, Dec 14Once classes
A brief overview of once classes, their syntax and semantics.
2020, Jul 06Compile-time guarantees for string content
String classes are moving towards preservation of string object content when mixing different string types.
2020, Jun 08Unicode aliases
In addition to symbolic forms of loops, EiffelStudio 20.05 adds a possibility to use mathematical notation in expressions.
2020, May 31Gobo 20.05 released
2020, Mar 22Gobo 20.03 released
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