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class AGENT_TRACING_HANDLER General cluster: ise description: "Abstract class used by TRACE_MANAGER to dispatch tracing events to user using STRING data via an agent." create: make Ancestors STRING_TRACING_HANDLER* Queries action: PROCEDURE [TYPE [detachable ANY], detachable STRING_8, detachable STRING_8, INTEGER_32, BOOLEAN] duplicated: [like Current] AGENT_TRACING_HANDLER Commands activate deactivate internal_trace (a_type_id: INTEGER_32; a_c_class_name, a_c_feature_name: POINTER; a_depth: INTEGER_32; a_is_entering: BOOLEAN) trace (a_type: TYPE [detachable ANY]; a_class_name, a_feature_name: detachable STRING_8; a_depth: INTEGER_32; a_is_entering: BOOLEAN) -- Generated by Eiffel Studio --
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