Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel
class ISE_EXCEPTION_MANAGER General cluster: ise description: "Exception manager. The manager handles all common operations of exception mechanism and interaction with the ISE runtime." Ancestors EXCEPTION_MANAGER Queries is_caught (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN is_ignorable (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN is_ignored (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN is_raisable (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]): BOOLEAN last_exception: detachable EXCEPTION Commands catch (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]) ignore (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]) raise (a_exception: EXCEPTION) set_is_ignored (a_exception: TYPE [detachable EXCEPTION]; a_ignored: BOOLEAN) -- Generated by Eiffel Studio --
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