Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel

Classes Clusters Cluster hierarchy Chart Relations Flat contracts Go to:
class SED_INDEPENDENT_SERIALIZER General obsolete: "Use SED_RECOVERABLE_SERIALIZER instead." cluster: ise description: "Encoding of arbitrary objects graphs between different version of programs containing the same types." create: make Ancestors SED_BASIC_SERIALIZER Queries is_root_object_set: BOOLEAN is_traversing_mode_set: BOOLEAN root_object: detachable ANY serializer: SED_READER_WRITER Commands encode set_breadth_first_traversing_mode set_depth_first_traversing_mode set_root_object (an_object: [like root_object] detachable ANY) set_serializer (a_serializer: [like serializer] SED_READER_WRITER)
Classes Clusters Cluster hierarchy Chart Relations Flat contracts Go to:

-- Generated by Eiffel Studio --
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