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class TWO_WAY_SORTED_SET [G -> COMPARABLE] General cluster: elks description: "Sets whose items may be compared according to a total order relation; implemented as sorted two-way lists." create: make, make_from_iterable, make_sublist Ancestors COMPARABLE_SET* [G -> COMPARABLE] LINEAR_SUBSET* [G] SORTED_TWO_WAY_LIST [G -> COMPARABLE] Queries after: BOOLEAN at alias "@" (i: INTEGER_32): [like item] G before: BOOLEAN changeable_comparison_criterion: BOOLEAN count: INTEGER_32 cs_max: [like item] G cs_min: [like item] G cursor: TWO_WAY_LIST_CURSOR [G] disjoint (other: TRAVERSABLE_SUBSET [G]): BOOLEAN exhausted: BOOLEAN extendible: BOOLEAN first: [like item] G first_element: [detachable like new_cell] detachable BI_LINKABLE [G] for_all (test: FUNCTION [G, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN Full: BOOLEAN has alias "" (v: G): BOOLEAN i_th alias "[]" (i: INTEGER_32): [like item] G index: INTEGER_32 index_of (v: [like item] G; i: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 is_empty: BOOLEAN is_equal (other: [like Current] TWO_WAY_SORTED_SET [G]): BOOLEAN is_inserted (v: G): BOOLEAN is_subset alias "" (other: TRAVERSABLE_SUBSET [G]): BOOLEAN is_superset alias "" (other: SUBSET [G]): BOOLEAN isfirst: BOOLEAN islast: BOOLEAN item: G item_for_iteration: G last: [like item] G last_element: [like first_element] detachable BI_LINKABLE [G] linear_representation: LINEAR [G] Lower: INTEGER_32 max: [like item] G median: [like item] G min: [like item] G min_max_available: BOOLEAN new_cursor: TWO_WAY_LIST_ITERATION_CURSOR [G] object_comparison: BOOLEAN occurrences (v: [like item] G): INTEGER_32 off: BOOLEAN prunable: BOOLEAN readable: BOOLEAN replaceable: BOOLEAN sorted: BOOLEAN sublist: [detachable like Current] detachable TWO_WAY_SORTED_SET [G] there_exists (test: FUNCTION [G, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN valid_cursor (p: CURSOR): BOOLEAN valid_cursor_index (i: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN valid_index (i: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN writable: BOOLEAN Commands append (s: SEQUENCE [G]) back compare_objects compare_references copy (other: [like Current] TWO_WAY_SORTED_SET [G]) do_all (action: PROCEDURE [G]) do_if (action: PROCEDURE [G]; test: FUNCTION [G, BOOLEAN]) extend (v: G) fill (other: CONTAINER [G]) finish force (v: [like item] G) forth go_i_th (i: INTEGER_32) go_to (p: CURSOR) intersect (other: [like Current] TWO_WAY_SORTED_SET [G]) merge (other: TRAVERSABLE_SUBSET [G]) merge_left (other: [like Current] TWO_WAY_SORTED_SET [G]) merge_right (other: [like Current] TWO_WAY_SORTED_SET [G]) move (i: INTEGER_32) move_item (v: G) prune (v: [like item] G) prune_all (v: [like item] G) put (v: G) put_front (v: [like item] G) put_i_th (v: [like item] G; i: INTEGER_32) put_left (v: [like item] G) put_right (v: [like item] G) remove remove_i_th (i: INTEGER_32) remove_left remove_right remove_sublist replace (v: [like item] G) search (v: [like item] G) search_after (v: [like item] G) search_before (v: [like item] G) sequence_put (v: [like item] G) sort split (n: INTEGER_32) start stwl_extend (v: [like item] G) stwl_merge (other: LINEAR [G]) stwl_prune (v: [like item] G) stwl_put (v: [like item] G) subset_symdif (other: SUBSET [G]) subtract (other: [like Current] TWO_WAY_SORTED_SET [G]) swap (i: INTEGER_32) symdif (other: TRAVERSABLE_SUBSET [G]) wipe_out
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