Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel

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class EDITOR_LINE General cluster: text_window description: "Objects that represent a line in the editor." create: make_empty_line, make, make_from_lexer, make_unix_style, make_windows_style, make_from_lexer_and_style Ancestors VIEWER_LINE Queries after: BOOLEAN auto_indented: BOOLEAN character_length: INTEGER_32 count: INTEGER_32 dummy1 (text_cursor: VIEWER_CURSOR): STRING_32 dummy2 (text_cursor: VIEWER_CURSOR): STRING_32 empty: BOOLEAN end_of_verbatim_string: BOOLEAN eol_token: EDITOR_TOKEN_EOL first_token: EDITOR_TOKEN has_token (tok: EDITOR_TOKEN): BOOLEAN index: INTEGER_32 is_highlighted: BOOLEAN is_valid: BOOLEAN item: EDITOR_TOKEN key: TREE_KEY [[like Current] EDITOR_LINE] next: [like Current] EDITOR_LINE number_token: EDITOR_TOKEN_LINE_NUMBER part_of_verbatim_string: BOOLEAN previous: [like Current] EDITOR_LINE real_first_token: EDITOR_TOKEN start_of_verbatim_string: BOOLEAN tree: B_345_TREE wide_image: STRING_32 wide_image_from_cursor_to_end (text_cursor: TEXT_CURSOR): STRING_32 wide_image_from_start_to_cursor (text_cursor: TEXT_CURSOR): STRING_32 wide_indentation: STRING_32 wide_substring_image_by_character (start_char, end_char: INTEGER_32): STRING_32 width: INTEGER_32 Commands add_left (other: [like Current] EDITOR_LINE) add_right (other: [like Current] EDITOR_LINE) append_token (tok: EDITOR_TOKEN) delete forth insert_token (tok: EDITOR_TOKEN; pos: INTEGER_32) link_left (other: [like Current] EDITOR_LINE) link_right (other: [like Current] EDITOR_LINE) make (a_windows_style: BOOLEAN) make_from_lexer (lexer: EDITOR_SCANNER) make_from_lexer_and_style (lexer: EDITOR_SCANNER; a_windows_style: BOOLEAN) make_unix_style make_windows_style rebuild_from_lexer (lexer: EDITOR_SCANNER; in_v_string: BOOLEAN) rebuild_from_lexer_and_style (lexer: EDITOR_SCANNER; in_v_string, a_windows_style: BOOLEAN) replace_beginning_from_lexer (lexer: EDITOR_SCANNER; t_after: EDITOR_TOKEN) replace_from_lexer (lexer: EDITOR_SCANNER; t_before, t_after: EDITOR_TOKEN) set_auto_indented (a_flag: BOOLEAN) set_end_of_verbatim_string (a_flag: BOOLEAN) set_highlighted (a_flag: BOOLEAN) set_key (k: [like key] TREE_KEY [[like Current] EDITOR_LINE]) set_next (ti: [like Current] EDITOR_LINE) set_part_of_verbatim_string (a_flag: BOOLEAN) set_previous (ti: [like Current] EDITOR_LINE) set_start_of_verbatim_string (a_flag: BOOLEAN) set_tree (t: [like tree] B_345_TREE) set_width (a_width: INTEGER_32) start unlink update_token_information
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-- Generated by Eiffel Studio --
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