Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel
class EG_FIGURE_WORLD General cluster: view description: "Objects that is a view for an EG_GRAPH" create: make_with_model_and_factory, make_with_model, make_filled Ancestors EG_XML_STORABLE* EV_MODEL_WORLD EV_SHARED_APPLICATION Action sequences conforming_pick_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE drop_actions: EV_PND_ACTION_SEQUENCE figure_change_end_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE figure_change_start_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE pick_actions: EV_PND_START_ACTION_SEQUENCE pointer_button_press_actions: EV_POINTER_BUTTON_ACTION_SEQUENCE pointer_button_release_actions: EV_POINTER_BUTTON_ACTION_SEQUENCE pointer_double_press_actions: EV_POINTER_BUTTON_ACTION_SEQUENCE pointer_enter_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE pointer_leave_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE pointer_motion_actions: EV_POINTER_MOTION_ACTION_SEQUENCE Queries accept_cursor: EV_POINTER_STYLE additional_space: INTEGER_32 after: BOOLEAN all_default: BOOLEAN angle: REAL_64 arc_cosine (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 arc_sine (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 arc_tangent (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 are_events_sent_to_group: BOOLEAN area: SPECIAL [EV_MODEL] area_v2: SPECIAL [EV_MODEL] array_at (i: INTEGER_32): EV_MODEL array_item (i: INTEGER_32): EV_MODEL array_valid_index (i: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN at alias "@" (i: INTEGER_32): [like item] EV_MODEL background_color: EV_COLOR before: BOOLEAN between (n, a, b: REAL_64): BOOLEAN bounding_box: EV_RECTANGLE callbacks_pipe (a: ARRAY [XML_CALLBACKS_FILTER]): XML_CALLBACKS capacity: INTEGER_32 capture_figure: detachable EV_MODEL ceiling (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 changeable_comparison_criterion: BOOLEAN cosine (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 count: INTEGER_32 cursor: ARRAYED_LIST_CURSOR dabs (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 deep_elements: LIST [EV_MODEL] Default_grid_x: INTEGER_32 Default_grid_y: INTEGER_32 delta_x (angle, length: REAL_64): REAL_64 delta_y (angle, length: REAL_64): REAL_64 deny_cursor: EV_POINTER_STYLE distance (x1, y1, x2, y2: REAL_64): REAL_64 distance_from_line (x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2: REAL_64): REAL_64 Euler: REAL_64 ev_application: EV_APPLICATION ev_separate_application: separate EV_APPLICATION exhausted: BOOLEAN exp (x: REAL_64): REAL_64 extendible: BOOLEAN factory: detachable EG_FIGURE_FACTORY figure_from_model (an_item: EG_ITEM): detachable EG_FIGURE first: [like item] EV_MODEL flat_clusters: [like clusters] ARRAYED_LIST [EG_CLUSTER_FIGURE] flat_links: [like links] ARRAYED_LIST [EG_LINK_FIGURE] flat_nodes: [like nodes] ARRAYED_LIST [EG_LINKABLE_FIGURE] floor (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 for_all (test: FUNCTION [EV_MODEL, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN full: BOOLEAN grid_enabled: BOOLEAN grid_visible: BOOLEAN grid_x: INTEGER_32 grid_y: INTEGER_32 group: detachable EV_MODEL_GROUP Growth_percentage: INTEGER_32 has (v: [like item] EV_MODEL): BOOLEAN has_capture: BOOLEAN has_cluster_figure (a_cluster: EG_CLUSTER): BOOLEAN has_deep (figure: EV_MODEL): BOOLEAN has_link_figure (a_link: EG_LINK): BOOLEAN has_linkable_figure (a_linkable: EG_LINKABLE): BOOLEAN has_node_figure (a_node: EG_NODE): BOOLEAN i_th alias "[]" (i: INTEGER_32): [like item] EV_MODEL id: INTEGER_32 id_freed: BOOLEAN id_object (an_id: INTEGER_32): detachable IDENTIFIED index: INTEGER_32 index_of (v: [like item] EV_MODEL; i: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 invalid_rectangle: detachable EV_RECTANGLE is_anti_aliasing_enabled: BOOLEAN is_center_valid: BOOLEAN is_empty: BOOLEAN is_grouped: BOOLEAN is_hashable: BOOLEAN is_in_group: BOOLEAN is_in_world: BOOLEAN is_inserted (v: EV_MODEL): BOOLEAN is_multiple_selection_enabled: BOOLEAN is_redraw_needed: BOOLEAN is_rotatable: BOOLEAN is_scalable: BOOLEAN is_sensitive: BOOLEAN is_show_requested: BOOLEAN is_transformable: BOOLEAN isfirst: BOOLEAN islast: BOOLEAN item: EV_MODEL item_for_iteration: EV_MODEL last: [like first] EV_MODEL line_angle (x1, y1, x2, y2: REAL_64): REAL_64 linear_representation: LINEAR [EV_MODEL] log (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 log10 (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 log_2 (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 Lower: INTEGER_32 Minimal_increase: INTEGER_32 Mismatch_information: MISMATCH_INFORMATION model: detachable EG_GRAPH modulo (a, b: REAL_64): REAL_64 new_content_concatenator: XML_CONTENT_CONCATENATOR new_cursor: ARRAYED_LIST_ITERATION_CURSOR [EV_MODEL] new_document_builder: XML_CALLBACKS_DOCUMENT new_indent_pretty_print: XML_INDENT_PRETTY_PRINT_FILTER new_namespace_resolver: XML_NAMESPACE_RESOLVER new_null: XML_CALLBACKS_NULL new_pretty_print: XML_PRETTY_PRINT_FILTER new_tree_builder: XML_CALLBACKS_DOCUMENT new_xmlns_generator: XML_XMLNS_GENERATOR object_comparison: BOOLEAN object_id: INTEGER_32 occurrences (v: [like item] EV_MODEL): INTEGER_32 off: BOOLEAN pebble: detachable ANY pebble_function: detachable FUNCTION [detachable ANY] Pi: REAL_64 Pi_2: REAL_64 Pi_4: REAL_64 point: EV_COORDINATE point_count: INTEGER_32 point_on_ellipse (x, y, xc, yc, r1, r2: REAL_64): BOOLEAN point_on_ellipse_boundary (x, y, xc, yc, r1, r2, width: REAL_64): BOOLEAN point_on_line (x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, width: REAL_64): BOOLEAN point_on_polygon (x, y: REAL_64; points: SPECIAL [EV_COORDINATE]): BOOLEAN point_on_rectangle (x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2: REAL_64): BOOLEAN point_on_rotated_ellipse (x, y, xc, yc, r1, r2, angle: REAL_64): BOOLEAN point_on_rotated_ellipse_boundary (x, y, xc, yc, r1, r2, angle, width: REAL_64): BOOLEAN point_on_segment (x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, width: REAL_64): BOOLEAN point_relative: EV_COORDINATE point_x: INTEGER_32 point_x_relative: INTEGER_32 point_y: INTEGER_32 point_y_relative: INTEGER_32 pointer_style: detachable EV_POINTER_STYLE points_visible: BOOLEAN position_on_figure (a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN prunable: BOOLEAN readable: BOOLEAN replaceable: BOOLEAN resizable: BOOLEAN root_clusters: ARRAYED_LIST [EG_CLUSTER_FIGURE] scale_factor: REAL_64 selected_figures: ARRAYED_LIST [EG_FIGURE] selected_figures_in_world: BOOLEAN Shared_environment: EV_ENVIRONMENT sine (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 smallest_common_supercluster (fig1, fig2: EG_LINKABLE_FIGURE): detachable EG_CLUSTER_FIGURE sqrt (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 Sqrt2: REAL_64 standard_callbacks_pipe (a: ARRAY [XML_CALLBACKS_FILTER]): XML_CALLBACKS tangent (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 target_data_function: detachable FUNCTION [[like pebble] detachable ANY, EV_PND_TARGET_DATA] target_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL there_exists (test: FUNCTION [EV_MODEL, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN to_array: ARRAY [EV_MODEL] update_rectangle: detachable EV_RECTANGLE upper: INTEGER_32 valid_cursor (p: CURSOR): BOOLEAN valid_cursor_index (i: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN valid_index (i: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN world: EV_MODEL_WORLD writable: BOOLEAN x: INTEGER_32 x_to_grid (a_x: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 xml_element (node: [like xml_element] XML_ELEMENT): XML_ELEMENT xml_node_name: STRING_8 y: INTEGER_32 y_to_grid (a_y: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 Commands add_cluster (a_cluster: EG_CLUSTER) add_link (a_link: EG_LINK) add_node (a_node: [like node_type] EG_NODE) append (s: SEQUENCE [EV_MODEL]) array_put (v: EV_MODEL; i: INTEGER_32) automatic_grow back bring_forward (a_figure: EV_MODEL) bring_to_front (a_figure: EV_MODEL) center_invalidate compare_objects compare_references correct_mismatch deselect_all disable_anti_aliasing disable_capture disable_events_sended_to_group disable_grid disable_multiple_selection disable_sensitive dispose do_all (action: PROCEDURE [EV_MODEL]) do_all_with_index (action: PROCEDURE [EV_MODEL, INTEGER_32]) do_if (action: PROCEDURE [EV_MODEL]; test: FUNCTION [EV_MODEL, BOOLEAN]) do_if_with_index (action: PROCEDURE [EV_MODEL, INTEGER_32]; test: FUNCTION [EV_MODEL, INTEGER_32, BOOLEAN]) enable_anti_aliasing enable_capture enable_events_sended_to_group enable_grid enable_multiple_selection enable_sensitive extend (fig: [like item] EV_MODEL) fill (other: CONTAINER [EV_MODEL]) finish force (fig: [like item] EV_MODEL) forth free_id full_redraw go_i_th (i: INTEGER_32) go_to (p: CURSOR) grow (i: INTEGER_32) hide hide_grid hide_points insert (fig: [like item] EV_MODEL; i: INTEGER_32) invalidate list_make (n: INTEGER_32) make_filled (n: INTEGER_32) make_from_array (a: ARRAY [EV_MODEL]) merge_left (other: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_MODEL]) merge_right (other: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_MODEL]) move (i: INTEGER_32) process (v: EG_FIGURE_VISITOR) project (a_projector: EV_MODEL_DRAWING_ROUTINES) prune (v: [like item] EV_MODEL) prune_all (fig: [like item] EV_MODEL) put (v: [like item] EV_MODEL) put_front (v: [like item] EV_MODEL) put_i_th (v: [like i_th] EV_MODEL; i: INTEGER_32) put_left (v: [like item] EV_MODEL) put_right (v: [like item] EV_MODEL) recycle regroup remove remove_capture_figure remove_cluster (a_cluster: EG_CLUSTER) remove_i_th (i: INTEGER_32) remove_left remove_link (a_link: EG_LINK) remove_node (a_node: [like node_type] EG_NODE) remove_pebble remove_right replace (fig: [like item] EV_MODEL) resize (new_capacity: INTEGER_32) retrieve (f: RAW_FILE) rotate (an_angle: REAL_64) rotate_around (an_angle: REAL_64; ax, ay: INTEGER_32) scale (a_scale: REAL_64) scale_abs (a_scale: REAL_64) scale_x (a_scale_x: REAL_64) scale_x_abs (a_scale_x: REAL_64) scale_y (a_scale_y: REAL_64) scale_y_abs (a_scale_y: REAL_64) search (v: [like item] EV_MODEL) select_displayed_nodes send_backward (a_figure: EV_MODEL) send_to_back (a_figure: EV_MODEL) sequence_put (v: [like item] EV_MODEL) set_accept_cursor (a_cursor: [detachable like accept_cursor] detachable EV_POINTER_STYLE) set_background_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) set_capture_figure (a_figure: EV_MODEL) set_deny_cursor (a_cursor: [detachable like deny_cursor] detachable EV_POINTER_STYLE) set_factory (a_factory: [attached like factory] attached EG_FIGURE_FACTORY) set_grid_x (new_grid_x: INTEGER_32) set_grid_y (new_grid_y: INTEGER_32) set_pebble (a_pebble: [like pebble] detachable ANY) set_pebble_function (a_function: [attached like pebble_function] attached FUNCTION [detachable ANY]) set_point_position (a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32) set_point_position_relative (ax, ay: INTEGER_32) set_pointer_style (a_cursor: [like pointer_style] detachable EV_POINTER_STYLE) set_target_data_function (a_function: FUNCTION [[like pebble] detachable ANY, EV_PND_TARGET_DATA]) set_target_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) set_with_xml_element (node: [like xml_element] XML_ELEMENT) set_x (a_x: INTEGER_32) set_x_y (a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32) set_y (a_y: INTEGER_32) show show_grid show_points start store (ptf: RAW_FILE) swap (i: INTEGER_32) transform (a_transformation: EV_MODEL_TRANSFORMATION) trim ungroup update update_rectangle_to_bounding_box (a_bbox: EV_RECTANGLE) validate wipe_out Constraints model not void factory not void items to figure lookup table not void root cluster not void selected figures not void -- Generated by Eiffel Studio --
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