Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel
class MA_DRAW_HISTOGRAM General cluster: memory_analyzer description: "Draw the histogram of the memory usage at a time." create: make_default Ancestors MA_DRAW_STATISTIC* Queries inner_graph_draw_height (a_percent: REAL_64): INTEGER_32 inner_graph_draw_height_y (a_percent: REAL_64): INTEGER_32 inner_graph_height: INTEGER_32 inner_graph_width: INTEGER_32 pixmap: EV_PIXMAP Commands draw_graph (a_used_percent, a_overhead_percent: REAL_64) draw_text (a_info: STRING_8) set_height (a_height: INTEGER_32) set_width (a_width: INTEGER_32) -- Generated by Eiffel Studio --
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