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class PREFERENCES General cluster: preferences description: "Preferences. This class should be used for creating a preference system for an application. Briefly, preferences and their related attributes and values are stored at run-time in an appropriate PREFERENCE object. They must be created through the helper class PREFERENCE_MANAGER. In between sessions the preference will be saved in an underlying data store. To such data store implementation are provided by default, one for saving to the Windows Registry and one for saving to an XML file on disk. To use a different store, such as a database one must create a new class which implements the methods in PREFERENCES_STORAGE_I. Regardless of the underlying data store used the preferences are managed in the same way. There are 5 levels of control provided for such management: 1. Storage specified. Use make_with_storage. A storage for the underlying data store   is provided. Values are retrieved from this storage between sessions. You can specify   the location for this storage, when you create it. This storage's location must exist. 2. Storage and defaults specified. The same as in option 1, but a location of one or more default   files is provided in addition to the data store location. Those files are XML files which   contain the default values to use in a preference if it is not already defined in the data   store. It is a convenient way to initialize your application with all the default values   required %"out of the box%" for correct or preferred functioning. This file also contains   additional attributes for preference configuration such a more detailed description of the   preference, or whether it should be hidden by default. If two files list the same preference,   the last one to mention it takes precedence. 3. Development use. Use make to create preferences. No underlying datastore location is   provided. No default preference values are provided. A data store location is created   automatically and modified preference values are tranparently retrieved between sessions. 4. Location specified. Use make_with_location. A location for the underlying data store   is provided. Values are retrieved from this location between sessions. This location must   exist. 5. Location and defaults specified. The same as in option 2, but using a storage with specified   location. We recommend using 1. or 2.  since 3,4,5 might become obsolete in the future. Once preferences they may be modified programmatically or through an user interface conforming to PREFERENCE_VIEW. A default interface is provided in PREFERENCES_WINDOW. You may implement your own style interface by implementing PREFERENCE_VIEW. You may also add your own application specific preferences by implementing PREFERENCE, and may provide a graphical widget to view or edit this preference by implementing PREFERENCE_WIDGET and then registering this widget to the PREFERENCES through the register_preference_widget procedure." create: make_with_storage, make_with_defaults_and_storage, make, make_with_location, make_with_location_and_version, make_with_defaults_and_location, make_with_defaults_and_location_and_version Ancestors ANY PREFERENCES_VERSIONS XML_CALLBACKS_FILTER_FACTORY Queries callbacks_pipe (a: ARRAY [XML_CALLBACKS_FILTER]): XML_CALLBACKS default_version: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 error_message_32: detachable STRING_32 error_message_is_valid_as_string_8: BOOLEAN get_preference (a_name: STRING_8): detachable PREFERENCE get_preference_value_direct (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable READABLE_STRING_32 has_manager (a_namespace: STRING_8): BOOLEAN has_preference (a_name: STRING_8): BOOLEAN location: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL manager (a_namespace: STRING_8): detachable PREFERENCE_MANAGER new_content_concatenator: XML_CONTENT_CONCATENATOR new_document_builder: XML_CALLBACKS_DOCUMENT new_indent_pretty_print: XML_INDENT_PRETTY_PRINT_FILTER new_manager (a_namespace: STRING_8): PREFERENCE_MANAGER new_namespace_resolver: XML_NAMESPACE_RESOLVER new_null: XML_CALLBACKS_NULL new_pretty_print: XML_PRETTY_PRINT_FILTER new_tree_builder: XML_CALLBACKS_DOCUMENT new_xmlns_generator: XML_XMLNS_GENERATOR preferences_storage_exists: BOOLEAN save_defaults_to_store: BOOLEAN standard_callbacks_pipe (a: ARRAY [XML_CALLBACKS_FILTER]): XML_CALLBACKS valid_version (a_version: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_32): BOOLEAN version: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 Version_1_0: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 Version_2_0: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 Commands export_to_storage (a_storage: PREFERENCES_STORAGE_I; a_save_modified_values_only: BOOLEAN) import_from_storage (a_storage: PREFERENCES_STORAGE_I) import_from_storage_with_callback (a_storage: PREFERENCES_STORAGE_I; a_callback: detachable PROCEDURE [INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32, READABLE_STRING_GENERAL, READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]) import_from_storage_with_callback_and_exclusion (a_storage: PREFERENCES_STORAGE_I; a_ignore_hidden_preference: BOOLEAN; a_callback: detachable PROCEDURE [INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32, READABLE_STRING_GENERAL, READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]; a_exclude_function: detachable FUNCTION [INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32, READABLE_STRING_GENERAL, READABLE_STRING_GENERAL, BOOLEAN]) report_error (m: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) restore_defaults save_preference (a_preference: PREFERENCE) save_preferences save_preferences_using_storage (a_storage: PREFERENCES_STORAGE_I; a_save_modified_values_only: BOOLEAN) set_preference (a_name: STRING_8; a_preference: PREFERENCE) set_save_defaults (a_flag: BOOLEAN) Constraints has session values has preferences storage
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