Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel
deferred class EV_RIBBON_SPLIT_BUTTON_GALLERY General cluster: ribbon description: "The Split Button Gallery is a composite control that contains a primary button which exposes a single default item or Command, and a secondary button which when clicked displays the rest of the item or Command collection in a mutually exclusive drop-down list." Ancestors EV_RIBBON_DROP_DOWN_GALLERY* Action sequences select_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE Queries command_list: ARRAY [NATURAL_32] execute (a_command_id: NATURAL_32; a_execution_verb: INTEGER_32; a_property_key, a_property_value, a_command_execution_properties: POINTER): NATURAL_32 is_enabled: BOOLEAN item_source: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_RIBBON_SPLIT_BUTTON_GALLERY_ITEM] label_title: detachable STRING_32 ribbon: detachable EV_RIBBON selected_item: NATURAL_32 tooltip_description: detachable STRING_32 tooltip_title: detachable STRING_32 update_property (a_command_id: NATURAL_32; a_property_key, a_property_current_value, a_property_new_value: POINTER): NATURAL_32 Commands set_enabled (a_bool: BOOLEAN) set_item_source (a_item_source: [like item_source] ARRAYED_LIST [EV_RIBBON_SPLIT_BUTTON_GALLERY_ITEM]) set_large_image (a_image: EV_PIXEL_BUFFER) set_selected_item set_small_image (a_image: EV_PIXEL_BUFFER) set_text (a_text: STRING_32) set_tooltip_description (a_text: STRING_32) set_tooltip_title (a_text: STRING_32) -- Generated by Eiffel Studio --
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