Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel
class EQA_GENERATED_TEST_SET General cluster: testing description: "Set of tests which have been created using test generation. To reproduce failure each instruction will be called in a safe environment, allowing the execution to continue even if a exception has been raised." Ancestors EQA_TEST_SET* Queries asserter: [like new_asserter] EQA_ASSERTIONS environment: EQA_ENVIRONMENT file_system: [like new_file_system] EQA_FILE_SYSTEM is_prepared: BOOLEAN Source_path_key: STRING_8 Target_path_key: STRING_8 Test_name_key: STRING_8 Testing_directory_key: STRING_8 Commands assert (a_tag: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_condition: BOOLEAN) assert_32 (a_tag: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_condition: BOOLEAN) set_asserter (a: [like asserter] EQA_ASSERTIONS) -- Generated by Eiffel Studio --
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