Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel

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note description: "Eiffel Vision list item. Mswindows implementation." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date: 2018-12-18 02:03:05 -0900 (Tue, 18 Dec 2018) $" revision: "$Revision: 102624 $" class interface EV_LIST_ITEM_IMP create make -- Initialize Current. ensure -- from EV_ANY_I is_initialized: get_state_flag (Is_initialized_flag) feature -- Initialization make -- Initialize Current. ensure -- from EV_ANY_I is_initialized: get_state_flag (Is_initialized_flag) old_make (an_interface: attached like interface) -- Create the widget with par as parent. require -- from EV_ANY_I an_interface_not_void: an_interface /= Void ensure -- from EV_ANY_I interface_assigned: interface = an_interface base_make_called: base_make_called tooltip: STRING_32 -- Text of tooltip assigned to Current. -- (from EV_WEL_TOOLTIPABLE) require -- from EV_TOOLTIPABLE_I True feature -- Access accept_cursor: detachable EV_POINTER_STYLE -- Accept cursor set by user. -- To be displayed when the screen pointer is over a target that accepts -- `pebble` during pick and drop. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) awaiting_movement: BOOLEAN -- Are we currently awaiting the movement threshold to -- be reached for as drag and drop or dockable move? -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_IMP) capture_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is the mouse currently captured? -- See constants Capture_xxxx at the end of the class. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_IMP) check_drag_and_drop_release (a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32) -- End transport if in drag and drop. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ITEM_IMP) configurable_target_menu_handler: detachable PROCEDURE [EV_MENU, ARRAYED_LIST [EV_PND_TARGET_DATA], EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE, detachable ANY] -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) deny_cursor: detachable EV_POINTER_STYLE -- Deny cursor set by user. -- To be displayed when the screen pointer is not over a valid target. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) Drag_and_drop_starting_movement: INTEGER_32 = 3 -- Pointer movement in pixels required to start a drag and drop. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_IMP) escape_pnd -- Escape the pick and drop. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ITEM_IMP) ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_IMP not_in_transport: not transport_executing generating_type: TYPE [detachable EV_LIST_ITEM_IMP] -- Type of current object -- (type of which it is a direct instance) -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY generating_type_not_void: Result /= Void generator: STRING_8 -- Name of current object's generating class -- (base class of the type of which it is a direct instance) -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY generator_not_void: Result /= Void generator_not_empty: not Result.is_empty Gwl_exstyle: INTEGER_32 = -20 -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwl_style: INTEGER_32 = -16 -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) has_heavy_capture: BOOLEAN -- Does `parent` have a heavy capture? -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ITEM_IMP) Ilc_color: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Use the default behavior if none of the other -- ILC_COLOR* flags is specified. Typically, the -- Default is Ilc_color4, but for older -- display drivers, the default is Ilc_colorddb. -- -- Declared in Windows as ILC_COLOR -- (from WEL_ILC_CONSTANTS) Ilc_color16: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- Use a 16-bit (32/64k-color) DIB section. -- -- Declared in Windows as ILC_COLOR16 -- (from WEL_ILC_CONSTANTS) Ilc_color24: INTEGER_32 = 24 -- Use a 24-bit DIB section. -- -- Declared in Windows as ILC_COLOR24 -- (from WEL_ILC_CONSTANTS) Ilc_color32: INTEGER_32 = 32 -- Use a 32-bit DIB section. -- -- Declared in Windows as ILC_COLOR32 -- (from WEL_ILC_CONSTANTS) Ilc_color4: INTEGER_32 = 4 -- Use a 4-bit (16-color) device-independent bitmap (DIB) -- section as the bitmap for the image list. -- -- Declared in Windows as ILC_COLOR4 -- (from WEL_ILC_CONSTANTS) Ilc_color8: INTEGER_32 = 8 -- Use an 8-bit DIB section. The colors used for the color -- table are the same colors as the halftone palette. -- -- Declared in Windows as ILC_COLOR8 -- (from WEL_ILC_CONSTANTS) Ilc_colorddb: INTEGER_32 = 254 -- Use a device-dependent bitmap. -- -- Declared in Windows as ILC_COLORDDB -- (from WEL_ILC_CONSTANTS) Ilc_mask: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Use a mask. The image list contains two -- bitmaps, one of which is a monochrome bitmap -- used as a mask. If this value is not included, -- the image list contains only one bitmap. -- -- Declared in Windows as ILC_MASK -- (from WEL_ILC_CONSTANTS) Lvm_arrange: INTEGER_32 = 4118 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_ARRANGE -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_createdragimage: INTEGER_32 = 4129 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_deleteallitems: INTEGER_32 = 4105 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_DELETEALLITEMS -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_deletecolumn: INTEGER_32 = 4124 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_DELETECOLUMN -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_deleteitem: INTEGER_32 = 4104 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_DELETEITEM -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_editlabel: INTEGER_32 = 4214 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_EDITLABEL -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_ensurevisible: INTEGER_32 = 4115 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_finditem: INTEGER_32 = 4179 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_FINDITEM -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getbkcolor: INTEGER_32 = 4096 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETBKCOLOR -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getcallbackmask: INTEGER_32 = 4106 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETCALLBACKMASK -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getcolumn: INTEGER_32 = 4191 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETCOLUMN -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getcolumnwidth: INTEGER_32 = 4125 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getcountperpage: INTEGER_32 = 4136 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_geteditcontrol: INTEGER_32 = 4120 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETEDITCONTROL -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getimagelist: INTEGER_32 = 4098 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETIMAGELIST -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getisearchstring: INTEGER_32 = 4213 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETISEARCHSTRING -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getitem: INTEGER_32 = 4171 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETITEM -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getitemcount: INTEGER_32 = 4100 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETITEMCOUNT -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getitemposition: INTEGER_32 = 4112 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETITEMPOSITION -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getitemrect: INTEGER_32 = 4110 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETITEMRECT -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getitemspacing: INTEGER_32 = 4147 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETITEMSPACING -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getitemstate: INTEGER_32 = 4140 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETITEMSTATE -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getitemtext: INTEGER_32 = 4211 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETITEMTEXT -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getnextitem: INTEGER_32 = 4108 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETNEXTITEM -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getorigin: INTEGER_32 = 4137 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETORIGIN -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getselectedcount: INTEGER_32 = 4146 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getstringwidth: INTEGER_32 = 4183 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTH -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_gettextbkcolor: INTEGER_32 = 4133 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETTEXTBKCOLOR -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_gettextcolor: INTEGER_32 = 4131 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETTEXTCOLOR -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_gettopindex: INTEGER_32 = 4135 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETTOPINDEX -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_getviewrect: INTEGER_32 = 4130 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_GETVIEWRECT -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_hittest: INTEGER_32 = 4114 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_HITTEST -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_insertcolumn: INTEGER_32 = 4193 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_INSERTCOLUMN -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_insertitem: INTEGER_32 = 4173 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_INSERTITEM -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_redrawitems: INTEGER_32 = 4117 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_REDRAWITEMS -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_scroll: INTEGER_32 = 4116 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_SCROLL -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_setbkcolor: INTEGER_32 = 4097 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_SETBKCOLOR -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_setcallbackmask: INTEGER_32 = 4107 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_SETCALLBACKMASK -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_setcolumn: INTEGER_32 = 4192 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_SETCOLUMN -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_setcolumnwidth: INTEGER_32 = 4126 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_setimagelist: INTEGER_32 = 4099 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_SETIMAGELIST -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_setitem: INTEGER_32 = 4172 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_SETITEM -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_setitemcount: INTEGER_32 = 4143 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_SETITEMCOUNT -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_setitemposition: INTEGER_32 = 4111 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_SETITEMPOSITION -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_setitemposition32: INTEGER_32 = 4145 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_SETITEMPOSITION32 -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_setitemstate: INTEGER_32 = 4139 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_SETITEMSTATE -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_setitemtext: INTEGER_32 = 4212 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_SETITEMTEXT -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_settextbkcolor: INTEGER_32 = 4134 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_settextcolor: INTEGER_32 = 4132 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_SETTEXTCOLOR -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_sortitems: INTEGER_32 = 4144 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_SORTITEMS -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Lvm_update: INTEGER_32 = 4138 -- Declared in Windows as LVM_UPDATE -- (from WEL_LVM_CONSTANTS) Mb_abortretryignore: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_applmodal: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_default_desktop_only: INTEGER_32 = 131072 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_defbutton1: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_defbutton2: INTEGER_32 = 256 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_defbutton3: INTEGER_32 = 512 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_defmask: INTEGER_32 = 3840 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_help: INTEGER_32 = 16384 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconasterisk: INTEGER_32 = 64 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconerror: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- Same as `mb_iconhand`. -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconexclamation: INTEGER_32 = 48 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconhand: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconinformation: INTEGER_32 = 64 -- Same as `mb_iconasterisk`. -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconmask: INTEGER_32 = 240 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconquestion: INTEGER_32 = 32 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconstop: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- Same as `mb_iconhand`. -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_iconwarning: INTEGER_32 = 48 -- Same as `mb_iconexclamation`. -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_nofocus: INTEGER_32 = 32768 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_ok: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_okcancel: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_retrycancel: INTEGER_32 = 5 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_right: INTEGER_32 = 524288 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_rtlreading: INTEGER_32 = 1048576 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_setforeground: INTEGER_32 = 65536 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_systemmodal: INTEGER_32 = 4096 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_taskmodal: INTEGER_32 = 8192 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_topmost: INTEGER_32 = 262144 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_typemask: INTEGER_32 = 15 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_usericon: INTEGER_32 = 128 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_yesno: INTEGER_32 = 4 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) Mb_yesnocancel: INTEGER_32 = 3 -- (from WEL_MB_CONSTANTS) original_pressure: REAL_64 -- Hold the values passed to start transport so when a transport -- actually starts, with real_start_transport,these can be passed -- as arguments. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_IMP) original_x: INTEGER_32 -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_IMP) original_x_tilt: REAL_64 -- Hold the values passed to start transport so when a transport -- actually starts, with real_start_transport,these can be passed -- as arguments. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_IMP) original_y: INTEGER_32 -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_IMP) original_y_tilt: REAL_64 -- Hold the values passed to start transport so when a transport -- actually starts, with real_start_transport,these can be passed -- as arguments. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_IMP) parent: detachable EV_LIST_ITEM_LIST -- List containing `interface`. -- (from EV_LIST_ITEM_I) require -- from EV_ITEM_I True parent_imp: detachable EV_LIST_ITEM_LIST_IMP -- Parent of Current pebble: detachable ANY -- Data to be transported by pick and drop mechanism. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) pebble_function: detachable FUNCTION [detachable ANY] -- Returns data to be transported by pick and drop mechanism. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) pebble_positioning_enabled: BOOLEAN -- If True then pick and drop start coordinates are -- `pebble_x_position`, `pebble_y_position`. -- If False then pick and drop start coordinates are -- the pointer coordinates. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) pebble_x_position: INTEGER_32 -- Initial x position for pick and drop relative to Current. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) pebble_y_position: INTEGER_32 -- Initial y position for pick and drop relative to Current. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) pixmap: detachable EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap of Current. require -- from EV_PIXMAPABLE_I True pixmap_imp: detachable EV_PIXMAP_IMP_STATE -- Implementation of pixmap in Current. -- (from EV_PIXMAPABLE_IMP) pnd_original_parent: detachable EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ITEM_HOLDER_IMP -- Actual widget parent of Current when PND starts. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ITEM_IMP) pnd_press (a_x, a_y, a_button, a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER_32) -- Process a pointer press that may alter the current state -- of pick/drag and drop. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ITEM_IMP) release_capture -- Release user input. -- Works only on current windows thread. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ITEM_IMP) release_heavy_capture -- Release user input. -- Works on all windows threads. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ITEM_IMP) set_capture -- Grab user input. -- Works only on current windows thread. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ITEM_IMP) set_heavy_capture -- Grab user input. -- Works on all windows threads. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ITEM_IMP) set_parent_imp (par_imp: like parent_imp) -- Assign 'par_imp' to `parent_imp`. ensure -- from EV_ITEM_IMP assigned: parent_imp = par_imp set_pnd_original_parent -- Assign `parent_imp` to `pnd_original_parent`. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ITEM_IMP) set_pointer_style (c: EV_POINTER_STYLE) -- Assign c to `parent_imp` pointer style. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ITEM_IMP) require -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I True text: STRING_32 -- Text displayed in label. require -- from EV_TEXTABLE_I True ensure -- from EV_TEXTABLE_I not_void: Result /= Void cloned: Result /= text text_length: INTEGER_32 -- Length of text in characters. ensure -- from EV_TEXTABLE_IMP positive_length: Result >= 0 top_level_window_imp: detachable EV_WINDOW_IMP -- Window containing Current in parenting hierarchy. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ITEM_IMP) transport_executing: BOOLEAN -- Is a pick and drop or drag and drop currently -- being executed? -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_IMP) wel_set_text (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set the text of the item to a_string wel_text: STRING_32 -- Text of the item. ensure -- from EV_TEXTABLE_IMP not_void: Result /= Void widget_imp_at_pointer_position: detachable EV_WIDGET_IMP -- Result is implementation of widget at current -- pointer position or Void if none. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_IMP) feature -- Measurement dpi: NATURAL_32 -- Window dpi. -- (from EV_POSITIONED_I) height: INTEGER_32 -- Vertical size in pixels. minimum_height: INTEGER_32 -- Minimum vertical size in pixels. minimum_width: INTEGER_32 -- Minimum horizontal size in pixels. screen_x: INTEGER_32 -- Horizontal offset relative to screen. screen_y: INTEGER_32 -- Vertical offset relative to screen. width: INTEGER_32 -- Horizontal size in pixels. x_position: INTEGER_32 -- Horizontal offset relative to parent `x_position` in pixels. y_position: INTEGER_32 -- Vertical offset relative to parent `y_position` in pixels. feature -- Comparison frozen deep_equal (a: detachable ANY; b: like arg #1): BOOLEAN -- Are a and b either both void -- or attached to isomorphic object structures? -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class shallow_implies_deep: standard_equal (a, b) implies Result both_or_none_void: (a = Void) implies (Result = (b = Void)) same_type: (Result and (a /= Void)) implies (b /= Void and then a.same_type (b)) symmetric: Result implies deep_equal (b, a) frozen equal (a: detachable ANY; b: like arg #1): BOOLEAN -- Are a and b either both void or attached -- to objects considered equal? -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class definition: Result = (a = Void and b = Void) or else ((a /= Void and b /= Void) and then a.is_equal (b)) frozen is_deep_equal alias "≡≡≡" (other: EV_LIST_ITEM_IMP): BOOLEAN -- Are Current and other attached to isomorphic object structures? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY shallow_implies_deep: standard_is_equal (other) implies Result same_type: Result implies same_type (other) symmetric: Result implies other.is_deep_equal (Current) is_equal (other: EV_LIST_ITEM_IMP): BOOLEAN -- Is other attached to an object considered -- equal to current object? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY symmetric: Result implies other ~ Current consistent: standard_is_equal (other) implies Result frozen standard_equal (a: detachable ANY; b: like arg #1): BOOLEAN -- Are a and b either both void or attached to -- field-by-field identical objects of the same type? -- Always uses default object comparison criterion. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class definition: Result = (a = Void and b = Void) or else ((a /= Void and b /= Void) and then a.standard_is_equal (b)) frozen standard_is_equal alias "≜" (other: EV_LIST_ITEM_IMP): BOOLEAN -- Is other attached to an object of the same type -- as current object, and field-by-field identical to it? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY same_type: Result implies same_type (other) symmetric: Result implies other.standard_is_equal (Current) feature -- Status report conforms_to (other: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Does type of current object conform to type -- of other (as per Eiffel: The Language, chapter 13)? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void foreground_window: detachable WEL_WINDOW -- Foreground window (window with focus) -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) is_destroyed: BOOLEAN -- Is Current no longer usable? -- (from EV_ANY_I) is_selectable: BOOLEAN -- May Current be selected? -- (from EV_LIST_ITEM_I) is_selected: BOOLEAN -- Is Current selected? is_terminal_service: BOOLEAN -- If window in terminal service (Remote Desktop)? -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) require -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES after_2000: (create {WEL_WINDOWS_VERSION} end).is_windows_2000_compatible is_transport_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is the transport mechanism enabled? -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) is_window (hwnd: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Does hwnd point to a valid Window? -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) key_down (virtual_key: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN --Is 'virtual' key pressed -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) key_locked (virtual_key: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN --Is 'virtual' key locked -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) key_to_string (key_data: INTEGER_32): STRING_32 -- Give the string associated with the key given by -- virtual_key. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) mode_is_configurable_target_menu: BOOLEAN -- Is the transport mechanism a configurable target menu? -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) mode_is_drag_and_drop: BOOLEAN -- Is the transport mechanism drag and drop? -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) mode_is_pick_and_drop: BOOLEAN -- Is the transport mechanism pick and drop? -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) mode_is_target_menu: BOOLEAN -- Is the transport mechanism a target menu? -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) same_type (other: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Is type of current object identical to type of other? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY definition: Result = (conforms_to (other) and other.conforms_to (Current)) system_directory: STRING_32 -- Path of the Windows system directory -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES result_not_void: Result /= Void tick_count: INTEGER_32 -- Number of milliseconds that have -- elapsed since Windows was started. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES positive_result: Result >= 0 window_of_item (hwnd: POINTER): detachable WEL_WINDOW -- Retrieve Eiffel object associated with hwnd pointer. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) require -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES hwnd_not_null: hwnd /= default_pointer is_window_pointer: is_window (hwnd) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES is_wel_window: Result /= Void end implies (create {INTERNAL} end).type_conforms_to ((create {INTERNAL} end).dynamic_type (Result), (create {INTERNAL} end).dynamic_type_from_string ("WEL_WINDOW")) is_proper_wel_window: Result /= Void implies Result.item = hwnd windows_directory: STRING_32 -- Path of the Windows directory -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES result_not_void: Result /= Void feature -- Status setting disable_pebble_positioning -- Assign False to `pebble_positioning_enabled`. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) disable_select -- Set `is_selected` False. require -- from EV_DESELECTABLE_I is_selectable: is_selectable ensure -- from EV_DESELECTABLE_I deselected: not is_selected disable_transport -- Deactivate pick/drag and drop mechanism. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_IMP) require -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I True ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I is_transport_disabled: not is_transport_enabled enable_pebble_positioning -- Assign True to `pebble_positioning_enabled`. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) enable_select -- Set `is_selected` True. require -- from EV_SELECTABLE_I is_selectable: is_selectable ensure -- from EV_SELECTABLE_I selected: is_selected enable_transport -- Activate pick/drag and drop mechanism. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_IMP) require -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I pebble_not_void: pebble /= Void or pebble_function /= Void ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I is_transport_enabled: is_transport_enabled pnd_motion (a_x, a_y, a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER_32) -- If in drag/pick and drop then update. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_IMP) remove_pebble -- Remove `pebble`. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I pebble_removed: pebble = Void and pebble_function = Void is_transport_disabled: not is_transport_enabled reset_pebble_function -- Reset any values created by calling `pebble_function`. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I pebble_function_preserved: pebble_function = old pebble_function pebble_without_function: pebble_function = Void implies (pebble = old pebble) pebble_with_function: pebble_function /= Void implies pebble = Void set_accept_cursor (a_cursor: like accept_cursor) -- Set a_cursor to be displayed when the screen pointer is over a -- target that accepts `pebble` during pick and drop. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) set_configurable_target_menu_handler (a_handler: like configurable_target_menu_handler) -- Set Configurable Target Menu Handler to a_handler. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) set_configurable_target_menu_mode -- Set transport mechanism to a configurable target_menu. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I mode_is_target_menu: mode_is_configurable_target_menu set_deny_cursor (a_cursor: like deny_cursor) -- Set a_cursor to be displayed when the screen pointer is over a -- target that doesn't accept `pebble` during pick and drop. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) set_drag_and_drop_mode -- Set transport mechanism to drag and drop, -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I mode_is_drag_and_drop: mode_is_drag_and_drop set_pebble (a_pebble: ANY) -- Assign a_pebble to `pebble`. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) require -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I a_pebble_not_void: a_pebble /= Void ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I pebble_assigned: pebble = a_pebble is_transport_enabled: is_transport_enabled set_pebble_function (a_function: FUNCTION [detachable ANY]) -- Assign a_function to `pebble_function`. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) require -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I a_function_not_void: a_function /= Void ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I pebble_function_assigned: pebble_function = a_function is_transport_enabled: is_transport_enabled set_pebble_position (a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32) -- Set the initial position for pick and drop relative to Current. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I pick_x_assigned: pick_x.to_integer_32 = a_x pick_y_assigned: pick_y.to_integer_32 = a_y set_pick_and_drop_mode -- Set transport mechanism to pick and drop, -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I mode_is_pick_and_drop: mode_is_pick_and_drop set_target_menu_mode -- Set transport mechanism to a target_menu. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I mode_is_target_menu: mode_is_target_menu set_text (a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Assign a_text to `text`. require -- from EV_TEXTABLE_I a_text_not_void: a_text /= Void no_carriage_returns: not a_text.has_code (('%R').natural_32_code) ensure -- from EV_TEXTABLE_I text_cloned: attached a_text as l_text and then text.same_string_general (l_text) and then text /= l_text show_configurable_target_menu (a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32) -- Show the configurable target menu at position a_x, a_y relative to Current. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I) toggle -- Change `is_selected`. -- (from EV_DESELECTABLE_I) require -- from EV_DESELECTABLE_I not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed can_be_selected: not is_selected implies is_selectable feature -- Duplication copy (other: EV_LIST_ITEM_IMP) -- Update current object using fields of object attached -- to other, so as to yield equal objects. -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void type_identity: same_type (other) ensure -- from ANY is_equal: Current ~ other frozen deep_copy (other: EV_LIST_ITEM_IMP) -- Effect equivalent to that of: -- `copy` (other . `deep_twin`) -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY deep_equal: deep_equal (Current, other) frozen deep_twin: EV_LIST_ITEM_IMP -- New object structure recursively duplicated from Current. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY deep_twin_not_void: Result /= Void deep_equal: deep_equal (Current, Result) frozen standard_copy (other: EV_LIST_ITEM_IMP) -- Copy every field of other onto corresponding field -- of current object. -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void type_identity: same_type (other) ensure -- from ANY is_standard_equal: standard_is_equal (other) frozen standard_twin: EV_LIST_ITEM_IMP -- New object field-by-field identical to other. -- Always uses default copying semantics. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY standard_twin_not_void: Result /= Void equal: standard_equal (Result, Current) frozen twin: EV_LIST_ITEM_IMP -- New object equal to Current -- `twin` calls `copy`; to change copying/twinning semantics, redefine `copy`. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY twin_not_void: Result /= Void is_equal: Result ~ Current feature -- Basic operations cwin_hi_word (value: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- SDK HIWORD -- (from WEL_WORD_OPERATIONS) cwin_lo_word (value: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- SDK LOWORD -- (from WEL_WORD_OPERATIONS) cwin_make_long (low, high: INTEGER_32): POINTER -- SDK MAKELONG -- (from WEL_WORD_OPERATIONS) cwin_make_lparam (low, high: INTEGER_32): POINTER -- SKD MAKELPARAM -- (from WEL_WORD_OPERATIONS) frozen default: detachable EV_LIST_ITEM_IMP -- Default value of object's type -- (from ANY) frozen default_pointer: POINTER -- Default value of type POINTER -- (Avoid the need to write p.`default` for -- some p of type POINTER.) -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class default_rescue -- Process exception for routines with no Rescue clause. -- (Default: do nothing.) -- (from ANY) frozen do_nothing -- Execute a null action. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class eif_current_object_id: INTEGER_32 -- New identifier for Current -- (from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES) ensure -- from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES eif_current_object_id: Result > 0 inserted: eif_is_object_id_of_current (Result) eif_id_any_object (an_id: INTEGER_32): detachable ANY -- Object associated with an_id -- (from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES) require -- from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES an_id_non_negative: an_id >= 0 ensure -- from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES instance_free: class eif_is_object_id_of_current (an_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN -- Is an_id the associated object ID of Current. -- (from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES) require -- from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES an_id_non_negative: an_id >= 0 eif_object_id (an_object: ANY): INTEGER_32 -- New identifier for an_object -- (from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES) ensure -- from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES instance_free: class eif_object_id_positive: Result > 0 inserted: eif_id_any_object (Result) = an_object eif_object_id_free (an_id: INTEGER_32) -- Free the entry an_id -- (from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES) require -- from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES an_id_non_negative: an_id >= 0 ensure -- from IDENTIFIED_ROUTINES instance_free: class removed: eif_id_any_object (an_id) = Void hide_cursor -- Hide the cursor. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) message_beep_asterisk -- Play the system asterisk waveform sound. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) message_beep_exclamation -- Play the system exclamation waveform sound. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) message_beep_hand -- Play the system hand waveform sound. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) message_beep_ok -- Play the system ok waveform sound. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) message_beep_question -- Play the system question waveform sound. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) output_debug_string (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Send a string s to the system debugger. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) require -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES s_not_void: s /= Void resource_string_id (an_id: INTEGER_32): STRING_32 -- String identified by an_id in the resource file. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) ensure -- from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES result_not_void: Result /= Void set_cursor_position_absolute (x, y: INTEGER_32) -- Set the cursor position to x, y. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) show_cursor -- Show the cursor. -- (from WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES) feature -- Implementation destroy -- Destroy Current. require -- from EV_ANY_I True ensure -- from EV_ANY_I is_in_destroy_set: is_in_destroy is_destroyed_set: is_destroyed feature -- Access (ILD constants) Ild_normal: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Draws the image using the background color for the image -- list. If the background color is the CLR_NONE value, the -- image is drawn transparently using the mask. -- -- Declared in Windows as ILD_NORMAL -- (from WEL_ILC_CONSTANTS) feature -- Access EV_DRAGABLE_SOURCE. dockable_dialog_target: detachable EV_DOCKABLE_DIALOG -- A dockable dialog that will be created as -- necessary. This is not a local, to avoid it -- being garbage collected. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) Global_drag_targets: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER_32] -- Shortcut to EV_APPLICATION.pnd_targets. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) frozen Insert_label: EV_CELL -- Label used to indicate where Current will be placed in target. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) ensure -- from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I result_not_void: Result /= Void Insert_label_imp: EV_CELL_I -- Once access to implementation of `insert_label`. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) ensure -- from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I Result /= Void Insert_sep: EV_TOOL_BAR_SEPARATOR -- Once access to a separator used to indicate the insertion position -- when moving tool bar items. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) Insert_sep_imp: EV_TOOL_BAR_SEPARATOR_I -- Once access to implementation of `insert_sep`. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) ensure -- from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I Result /= Void Internal_screen: EV_SCREEN -- Once access to an EV_SCREEN. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) original_x_offset: INTEGER_16 -- Original x_offset and original_y_offset of transport -- realtive to widget. Only used for dragable transports. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) original_y_offset: INTEGER_16 -- Original x_offset and original_y_offset of transport -- realtive to widget. Only used for dragable transports. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) originating_source: detachable EV_DOCKABLE_SOURCE_I -- Dragable source that originated the transport of source_being_dragged. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) remove_insert_label -- Remove `insert_label` from its current `parent`. -- We must handle a special case for cells. If the parent is a cell, -- then we remove the cell from its parent, and then restore it. -- Otherwise, when the label, removed, the cell keeps it size, and cells -- are normally used with real_target when the cell must -- not be visible. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) ensure -- from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I not_parented: Insert_label.parent = Void remove_insert_sep -- Ensure inset_sep is not parented. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) ensure -- from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I not_parented: Insert_sep.parent = Void source_being_docked: detachable EV_DOCKABLE_SOURCE_I -- Dragable source currently being transported. May be a -- WIDGET_IMP or an EV_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON_IMP. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) feature -- Access EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE. Default_accept_cursor: EV_POINTER_STYLE -- Used in lieu of a user defined `accept_cursor`. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) Default_deny_cursor: EV_POINTER_STYLE -- Used in lieu of a user defined `deny_cursor`. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) Default_pixmaps: EV_STOCK_PIXMAPS -- Default pixmaps -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) Global_pnd_targets: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32] -- Shortcut to EV_APPLICATION.pnd_targets. -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) rubber_band_is_drawn: BOOLEAN -- Is a rubber band line currently on the screen? -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) feature -- Access common. pointer_x: INTEGER_16 -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) pointer_y: INTEGER_16 -- (from EV_SHARED_TRANSPORT_I) feature -- Contract support pixmap_equal_to (a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP): BOOLEAN -- Is a_pixmap equal to `pixmap`? -- (from EV_LIST_ITEM_I) require -- from EV_PIXMAPABLE_I True feature -- Conversion from Eiffel to Windows frozen to_lparam (i: INTEGER_32): POINTER -- Convert integer value i in a valid LPARAM value. -- (from WEL_DATA_TYPE) ensure -- from WEL_DATA_TYPE is_class: class frozen to_lresult (i: INTEGER_32): POINTER -- Convert integer value i in a valid LRESULT value. -- (from WEL_DATA_TYPE) ensure -- from WEL_DATA_TYPE is_class: class frozen to_wparam (i: INTEGER_32): POINTER -- Convert integer value i in a valid WPARAM value. -- (from WEL_DATA_TYPE) ensure -- from WEL_DATA_TYPE is_class: class feature -- Event handling conforming_pick_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed when a pebble that fits here is picked. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I) ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I not_void: Result /= Void deselect_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed when deselected. -- (from EV_LIST_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I) ensure -- from EV_LIST_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I not_void: Result /= Void drop_actions: EV_PND_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed when a pebble is dropped here. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I) ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I not_void: Result /= Void pick_actions: EV_PND_START_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed when `pebble` is picked up. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I) ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I not_void: Result /= Void pick_ended_actions: EV_PND_FINISHED_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed when a transport from Current ends. -- (from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I) ensure -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I not_void: Result /= Void pointer_button_press_actions: EV_POINTER_BUTTON_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed when screen pointer button is pressed. -- (from EV_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I) ensure -- from EV_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I not_void: Result /= Void pointer_double_press_actions: EV_POINTER_BUTTON_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed when screen pointer is double clicked. -- (from EV_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I) ensure -- from EV_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I not_void: Result /= Void pointer_motion_actions: EV_POINTER_MOTION_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed when screen pointer moves. -- (from EV_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I) ensure -- from EV_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I not_void: Result /= Void select_actions: EV_NOTIFY_ACTION_SEQUENCE -- Actions to be performed when selected. -- (from EV_LIST_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I) ensure -- from EV_LIST_ITEM_ACTION_SEQUENCES_I not_void: Result /= Void feature -- For dialogs frozen dwlp_dlgproc: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) frozen dwlp_msgresult: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) frozen dwlp_user: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) feature -- For windows Gwl_hinstance: INTEGER_32 = -6 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwlp_hinstance`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwl_hwndparent: INTEGER_32 = -8 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwlp_hwndparent`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwl_id: INTEGER_32 = -12 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwlp_id`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwl_userdata: INTEGER_32 = -21 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwlp_userdata`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwl_wndproc: INTEGER_32 = -4 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwlp_wndproc`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwlp_hinstance: INTEGER_32 = -6 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwl_hinstance`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwlp_hwndparent: INTEGER_32 = -8 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwl_hwndparent`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwlp_id: INTEGER_32 = -12 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwl_id`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwlp_userdata: INTEGER_32 = -21 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwl_userdata`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) Gwlp_wndproc: INTEGER_32 = -4 -- Was declared in {WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS} as synonym of `gwl_wndproc`. -- (from WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS) feature -- Output Io: STD_FILES -- Handle to standard file setup -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class io_not_void: Result /= Void out: STRING_8 -- New string containing terse printable representation -- of current object -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY out_not_void: Result /= Void print (o: detachable ANY) -- Write terse external representation of o -- on standard output. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class frozen tagged_out: STRING_8 -- New string containing terse printable representation -- of current object -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY tagged_out_not_void: Result /= Void feature -- Pixmap Handling remove_pixmap -- Remove pixmap from Current. require -- from EV_PIXMAPABLE_I True ensure -- from EV_PIXMAPABLE_I pixmap_removed: pixmap = Void set_pixmap (p: EV_PIXMAP) -- Assign p to the displayed pixmap. require -- from EV_PIXMAPABLE_I pixmap_not_void: p /= Void set_tooltip (a_tooltip: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Assign a_tooltip to `internal_tooltip_string`. require -- from EV_TOOLTIPABLE_I a_tooltip_not_void: a_tooltip /= Void require -- from EV_WEL_TOOLTIPABLE True feature -- Platform Operating_environment: OPERATING_ENVIRONMENT -- Objects available from the operating system -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class operating_environment_not_void: Result /= Void feature -- Tooltip Flag constants Ttf_centertip: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) Ttf_idishwnd: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) Ttf_rtlreading: INTEGER_32 = 4 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) Ttf_subclass: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) feature -- Tooltip message constants ttm_activate: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_addtool: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_deltool: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_enumtools: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_getcurrenttool: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_getdelaytime: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_getmaxtipwidth: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_gettext: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_gettipbkcolor: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_gettiptextcolor: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_gettoolcount: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_gettoolinfo: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_hittest: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_newtoolrect: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_relayevent: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_setdelaytime: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_setmaxtipwidth: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_settipbkcolor: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_settiptextcolor: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_settoolinfo: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_updatetiptext: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttm_windowfrompoint: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) feature -- Tooltip style constants tts_alwaystip: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) tts_noprefix: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) feature -- Tooltip time delay constants ttdt_automatic: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttdt_autopop: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttdt_initial: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) ttdt_reshow: INTEGER_32 -- (from WEL_TOOLTIP_CONSTANTS) invariant -- from EV_PICK_AND_DROPABLE_I user_interface_modes_mutually_exclusive: mode_is_pick_and_drop.to_integer + mode_is_drag_and_drop.to_integer + mode_is_target_menu.to_integer = 1 pebble_function_takes_two_integer_open_operands: attached pebble_function as l_pebble_function implies l_pebble_function.valid_operands ([1, 1]) -- from EV_ANY_I interface_coupled: is_usable implies interface /= Void and then attached_interface.implementation = Current base_make_called: is_usable implies base_make_called -- from ANY reflexive_equality: standard_is_equal (Current) reflexive_conformance: conforms_to (Current) -- from EV_POSITIONED_I minimum_width_positive_or_zero: is_usable implies minimum_width >= 0 minimum_height_positive_or_zero: is_usable implies minimum_height >= 0 note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_LIST_ITEM_IMP
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