Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel
class EV_RELATIVE_POINT General obsolete: "Not needed in EV_MODEL. [2017-05-31]" cluster: interface description: "Positions relative to other positions. Takes another relative point as origin and then defines a hor. & vert. scaling factor, x, y and angle. You can then access absolute scale_x, scale_y, x, y and angle which are recomputed only if invalidate_absolute_position has been called. You may also choose to specify a positioner. This is an agent that gets called everytime a recomputation is requested. When a positioner is installed, the other attributes are ignored. The x and y are transformed by the angle and scaling of the origin. This implies that the scale_x, scale_y and angle features of this object are only for propagation to referring points." keywords: "point, position, location, origin" create: default_create, make_with_origin, make_with_origin_and_position, make_with_position, make_with_positioner Ancestors EV_FIGURE_MATH IDENTIFIED Queries absolute_coordinates: EV_COORDINATE angle: REAL_64 angle_abs: REAL_64 arc_cosine (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 arc_sine (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 arc_tangent (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 being_positioned: BOOLEAN between (n, a, b: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN ceiling (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 cosine (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 dabs (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 delta_x (angle: REAL_64; length: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 delta_y (angle: REAL_64; length: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 distance (x1, y1, x2, y2: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 distance_from_line (x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 Euler: REAL_64 exp (x: REAL_64): REAL_64 floor (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 has_positioner: BOOLEAN id_freed: BOOLEAN id_object (an_id: INTEGER_32): detachable IDENTIFIED line_angle (x1, y1, x2, y2: INTEGER_32): REAL_64 log (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 log10 (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 log_2 (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 modulo (a, b: REAL_64): REAL_64 object_id: INTEGER_32 origin: detachable EV_RELATIVE_POINT out_abs: STRING_8 out_rel: STRING_8 Pi: REAL_64 Pi_2: REAL_64 Pi_4: REAL_64 Pi_half: REAL_64 Pi_half_times_three: REAL_64 Pi_quater: REAL_64 Pi_times_three: REAL_64 Pi_times_two: REAL_64 point_on_ellipse (x, y, xc, yc, r1, r2: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN point_on_ellipse_boundary (x, y, xc, yc, r1, r2, width: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN point_on_line (x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, width: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN point_on_polygon (x, y: INTEGER_32; points: ARRAY [EV_COORDINATE]): BOOLEAN point_on_rectangle (x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN point_on_segment (x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, width: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN positioner: detachable PROCEDURE [[like Current] EV_RELATIVE_POINT] relative_to (org: EV_RELATIVE_POINT): BOOLEAN scale_x: REAL_64 scale_x_abs: REAL_64 scale_y: REAL_64 scale_y_abs: REAL_64 sine (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 sqrt (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 Sqrt2: REAL_64 tangent (v: REAL_64): REAL_64 x: INTEGER_32 x_abs: INTEGER_32 y: INTEGER_32 y_abs: INTEGER_32 Commands change_origin (new_origin: EV_RELATIVE_POINT) dispose free_id set_angle (new_angle: REAL_64) set_angle_abs (new_angle_abs: REAL_64) set_origin (new_origin: EV_RELATIVE_POINT) set_position (new_x, new_y: INTEGER_32) set_positioner (pos_agent: [like positioner] detachable PROCEDURE [[like Current] EV_RELATIVE_POINT]) set_scale (new_scale: REAL_64) set_scale_x (new_scale_x: REAL_64) set_scale_x_abs (new_scale_x_abs: REAL_64) set_scale_y (new_scale_y: REAL_64) set_scale_y_abs (new_scale_y_abs: REAL_64) set_x (new_x: INTEGER_32) set_x_abs (new_x_abs: INTEGER_32) set_y (new_y: INTEGER_32) set_y_abs (new_y_abs: INTEGER_32) Constraints notify list exists has origin implies origin notifies -- Generated by Eiffel Studio --
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