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class WEL_API General cluster: wel description: "Set of Win32 API that can be statically accessed." Ancestors ANY Queries adjust_window_rect_ex (a_rect: POINTER; a_style, a_ex_style: INTEGER_32; a_is_menu: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN ansi_code_page: NATURAL_32 begin_defer_window_pos (n: INTEGER_32): POINTER child_window_from_point (hwnd_parent, point: POINTER): POINTER close_handle (a_handle: POINTER): INTEGER_32 close_printer (a_printer: POINTER): BOOLEAN console_input_code_page: NATURAL_32 console_output_code_page: NATURAL_32 create_process (a_name, a_command_line, a_sec_attributes1, a_sec_attributes2: POINTER; a_herit_handles: BOOLEAN; a_flags: INTEGER_32; an_environment, a_directory, a_startup_info, a_process_info: POINTER): BOOLEAN cwin_create_file (name: POINTER; desired_access, shared_mode: NATURAL_32; security_attributes: POINTER; creation_disposition, flags_and_attributes: NATURAL_32; template_handle: POINTER): POINTER cwin_read_file (file_handle, buffer: POINTER; number_of_bytes_to_read: NATURAL_32; number_of_bytes_read: TYPED_POINTER [NATURAL_32]; overlapped: POINTER): BOOLEAN cwin_read_file_with_error (file_handle, buffer: POINTER; number_of_bytes_to_read: NATURAL_32; number_of_bytes_read: TYPED_POINTER [NATURAL_32]; overlapped: POINTER; last_error: TYPED_POINTER [NATURAL_32]): BOOLEAN cwin_write_file (file_handle, buffer: POINTER; number_of_bytes_to_write: NATURAL_32; number_of_bytes_written: TYPED_POINTER [NATURAL_32]; overlapped: POINTER): BOOLEAN defer_window_pos (hdwp, hwnd, hwnd_after: POINTER; a_x, a_y, a_w, a_h, flags: INTEGER_32): POINTER destroy_window (hwnd: POINTER): BOOLEAN drag_query_file (hdrop: POINTER; ifile: INTEGER_32; buffer_pointer: POINTER; buffer_size: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 duplicate_handle (hsourceprocess, hsource, htargetprocess: POINTER; htarget: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]; access: INTEGER_32; inherithandle: BOOLEAN; options: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 end_defer_window_pos (hdwp: POINTER): BOOLEAN end_dialog (hwnd, return_value: POINTER): BOOLEAN exclude_clip_rect (hdc: POINTER; left, top, right, bottom: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 find_window (a_class_name, a_window_name: POINTER): POINTER find_window_ex (a_parent, a_child_after, a_class_name, a_window_name: POINTER): POINTER free_module (a_module: POINTER): BOOLEAN get_caret_pos (a_point: POINTER): BOOLEAN get_control_scroll_info (hwnd, info: POINTER): INTEGER_32 get_current_process: POINTER get_default_printer (a_name: POINTER; a_name_length, a_error_code: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER_32]): BOOLEAN get_exit_code_process (handle, ptr: POINTER): BOOLEAN get_focus: POINTER get_last_error: INTEGER_32 get_menu (hwnd: POINTER): POINTER get_menu_bar_info (hwnd: POINTER; id_object, id_item: INTEGER_32; menu_bar_info: POINTER): INTEGER_32 get_menu_item_rect (hwnd, hmenu: POINTER; uitem: INTEGER_32; rect: POINTER): INTEGER_32 get_monitor_info (a_monitor_handle, a_monitor_info: POINTER): BOOLEAN get_parent (a_hwnd: POINTER): POINTER get_printer (a_printer: POINTER; a_level: INTEGER_32; a_printer_info: POINTER; a_buf_size: INTEGER_32; a_printer_info_length, a_error_code: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER_32]): BOOLEAN get_scroll_info (a_hwnd: POINTER; a_bar: INTEGER_32; a_info: POINTER): INTEGER_32 get_system_metrics (value: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 get_window (a_hwnd: POINTER; a_cmd: INTEGER_32): POINTER get_window_long (hwnd: POINTER; offset: INTEGER_32): POINTER get_window_text (hwnd, str: POINTER; len: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 hiword (value: POINTER): INTEGER_32 infinite: INTEGER_32 load_api (a_module, a_name: POINTER): POINTER load_module (a_name: POINTER): POINTER loword (value: POINTER): INTEGER_32 lparam (i: INTEGER_32): POINTER lresult (i: INTEGER_32): POINTER makelong (low, high: INTEGER_32): POINTER monitor_from_rect (a_rect: POINTER; a_flags: INTEGER_32): POINTER monitor_from_window (a_hwnd: POINTER; a_flags: INTEGER_32): POINTER move_window (hwnd: POINTER; a_x, a_y, a_w, a_h: INTEGER_32; repaint: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN msg_wait_for_multiple_objects (n: INTEGER_32; phandles: POINTER; waitall: BOOLEAN; ms, mask: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 msg_wait_for_multiple_objects_ex (n: INTEGER_32; phandles: POINTER; ms, wakemask, flags: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 oem_code_page: NATURAL_32 open_printer (a_name: POINTER; a_printer_handle: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]; a_defaults: POINTER): BOOLEAN post_message_result (hwnd: POINTER; msg: INTEGER_32; a_wparam, a_lparam: POINTER): BOOLEAN register_window_message (a_message_name: POINTER): INTEGER_32 resume_thread (a_thread: POINTER): INTEGER_32 send_message_result (hwnd: POINTER; msg: INTEGER_32; a_wparam, a_lparam: POINTER): POINTER send_message_result_boolean (hwnd: POINTER; msg: INTEGER_32; a_wparam, a_lparam: POINTER): BOOLEAN send_message_result_integer (hwnd: POINTER; msg: INTEGER_32; a_wparam, a_lparam: POINTER): INTEGER_32 set_console_input_code_page (cp: NATURAL_32): BOOLEAN set_console_output_code_page (cp: NATURAL_32): BOOLEAN set_control_scroll_info (hwnd, info: POINTER; redraw: BOOLEAN): INTEGER_32 set_foreground_window (hwnd: POINTER): BOOLEAN set_menu (hwnd, hmenu: POINTER): INTEGER_32 set_parent (hwnd_child, hwnd_parent: POINTER): POINTER set_window_long (hwnd: POINTER; offset: INTEGER_32; value: POINTER): POINTER set_window_pos (hwnd, hwnd_after: POINTER; a_x, a_y, a_w, a_h, flags: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN shell_notify_icon (a_message: INTEGER_32; a_notify_icon_data_ptr: POINTER): INTEGER_32 still_active: INTEGER_32 terminate_process (handle: POINTER; exit_code: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN track_popup_menu (hmenu: POINTER; flags, x, y, reserved: INTEGER_32; hwnd, rect: POINTER): INTEGER_32 vk_key_scan (a_char: CHARACTER_32): INTEGER_32 wait_failed: INTEGER_32 wait_for_input_idle (hprocess: POINTER; ms: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 wait_for_single_object (handle: POINTER; type: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 wait_object_0: INTEGER_32 wait_timeout: INTEGER_32 window_from_point (point: POINTER): POINTER wparam (i: INTEGER_32): POINTER Commands post_message (hwnd: POINTER; msg: INTEGER_32; a_wparam, a_lparam: POINTER) post_thread_message (idthread, msg: INTEGER_32; a_wparam, a_lparam: POINTER) send_message (hwnd: POINTER; msg: INTEGER_32; a_wparam, a_lparam: POINTER) send_message_timeout (hwnd: POINTER; msg: INTEGER_32; a_wparam, a_lparam: POINTER; fuflags, utimeout: INTEGER_32; lpdwresult: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER_32]) set_window_text (hwnd, str: POINTER)
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