Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel
class WEL_COMMAND_MANAGER General cluster: wel description: "Command manager which is able to retrieve the command associated to a Windows message." create: make, hash_table_make Ancestors HASH_TABLE [G, K -> detachable HASHABLE] Queries after: BOOLEAN at alias "@" (key: INTEGER_32): detachable WEL_COMMAND_EXEC capacity: INTEGER_32 changeable_comparison_criterion: BOOLEAN conflict: BOOLEAN count: INTEGER_32 current_keys: ARRAY [INTEGER_32] cursor: CURSOR definite_item (key: INTEGER_32): WEL_COMMAND_EXEC disjoint (other: HASH_TABLE [WEL_COMMAND_EXEC, INTEGER_32]): BOOLEAN exists (message: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN Extendible: BOOLEAN found: BOOLEAN found_item: detachable WEL_COMMAND_EXEC Full: BOOLEAN has (key: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN has_item (v: WEL_COMMAND_EXEC): BOOLEAN has_key (key: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN hash_code_of (a_key: attached INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 inserted: BOOLEAN is_empty: BOOLEAN is_equal (other: [like Current] WEL_COMMAND_MANAGER): BOOLEAN is_inserted (v: WEL_COMMAND_EXEC): BOOLEAN item alias "[]" (key: INTEGER_32): detachable WEL_COMMAND_EXEC item_for_iteration: WEL_COMMAND_EXEC iteration_item (i: INTEGER_32): WEL_COMMAND_EXEC iteration_lower: INTEGER_32 iteration_upper: INTEGER_32 key_for_iteration: INTEGER_32 linear_representation: ARRAYED_LIST [WEL_COMMAND_EXEC] Mismatch_information: MISMATCH_INFORMATION new_cursor: HASH_TABLE_ITERATION_CURSOR [WEL_COMMAND_EXEC, INTEGER_32] not_found: BOOLEAN object_comparison: BOOLEAN occurrences (v: WEL_COMMAND_EXEC): INTEGER_32 off: BOOLEAN prunable: BOOLEAN removed: BOOLEAN replaced: BOOLEAN same_keys (a_search_key, a_key: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN valid_cursor (c: CURSOR): BOOLEAN valid_iteration_index (i: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN Commands accommodate (n: INTEGER_32) bag_put (v: WEL_COMMAND_EXEC) collection_extend (v: WEL_COMMAND_EXEC) compare_objects compare_references copy (other: [like Current] WEL_COMMAND_MANAGER) correct_mismatch extend (new: WEL_COMMAND_EXEC; key: INTEGER_32) fill (other: CONTAINER [WEL_COMMAND_EXEC]) force (command: WEL_COMMAND_EXEC; message: INTEGER_32) forth go_to (c: CURSOR) hash_table_force (new: WEL_COMMAND_EXEC; key: INTEGER_32) hash_table_make (n: INTEGER_32) hash_table_remove (key: INTEGER_32) make make_equal (n: INTEGER_32) make_from_iterable_tuples (other: ITERABLE [TUPLE [WEL_COMMAND_EXEC, INTEGER_32]]) merge (other: HASH_TABLE [WEL_COMMAND_EXEC, INTEGER_32]) prune (v: WEL_COMMAND_EXEC) prune_all (v: WEL_COMMAND_EXEC) put (new: WEL_COMMAND_EXEC; key: INTEGER_32) remove (message: INTEGER_32) replace (new: WEL_COMMAND_EXEC; key: INTEGER_32) replace_key (new_key, old_key: INTEGER_32) search (key: INTEGER_32) start wipe_out -- Generated by Eiffel Studio --
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