Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel

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class WEL_MENU General cluster: wel description: "List of items which can be selected by the user." create: make, make_by_id, make_by_name, make_by_pointer, make_track Ancestors WEL_BIT_OPERATIONS WEL_MF_CONSTANTS WEL_RESOURCE* WEL_TPM_CONSTANTS Queries clear_flag (flags, mask: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 count: INTEGER_32 exists: BOOLEAN flag_set (flags, mask: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN id_string (an_id: INTEGER_32): STRING_32 item: POINTER item_checked (an_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN item_enabled (an_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN item_exists (an_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN Mf_append: INTEGER_32 Mf_bitmap: INTEGER_32 Mf_bycommand: INTEGER_32 Mf_byposition: INTEGER_32 Mf_change: INTEGER_32 Mf_checked: INTEGER_32 Mf_delete: INTEGER_32 Mf_disabled: INTEGER_32 Mf_enabled: INTEGER_32 Mf_end: INTEGER_32 Mf_grayed: INTEGER_32 Mf_help: INTEGER_32 Mf_hilite: INTEGER_32 Mf_insert: INTEGER_32 Mf_menubarbreak: INTEGER_32 Mf_menubreak: INTEGER_32 Mf_mouseselect: INTEGER_32 Mf_ownerdraw: INTEGER_32 Mf_popup: INTEGER_32 Mf_remove: INTEGER_32 Mf_separator: INTEGER_32 Mf_string: INTEGER_32 Mf_sysmenu: INTEGER_32 Mf_unchecked: INTEGER_32 Mf_unhilite: INTEGER_32 Mf_usecheckbitmaps: INTEGER_32 popup_exists (position: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN popup_menu (position: INTEGER_32): WEL_MENU position_enabled (position: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN position_to_item_id (position: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 set_flag (flags, mask: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 shared: BOOLEAN tpm_bottomalign: INTEGER_32 tpm_centeralign: INTEGER_32 tpm_leftalign: INTEGER_32 tpm_leftbutton: INTEGER_32 tpm_returncmd: INTEGER_32 tpm_rightalign: INTEGER_32 tpm_rightbutton: INTEGER_32 tpm_topalign: INTEGER_32 tpm_vcenteralign: INTEGER_32 Commands append_bitmap (bitmap: WEL_BITMAP; an_id: INTEGER_32) append_popup (a_menu: WEL_MENU; a_title: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) append_separator append_string (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; an_id: INTEGER_32) append_string_with_break (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; an_id: INTEGER_32; has_separator: BOOLEAN) check_item (an_id: INTEGER_32) delete_item (an_id: INTEGER_32) delete_position (position: INTEGER_32) disable_item (an_id: INTEGER_32) disable_position (position: INTEGER_32) dispose enable_item (an_id: INTEGER_32) enable_position (position: INTEGER_32) hilite_menu_item (window: WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW; an_id: INTEGER_32) insert_bitmap (bitmap: WEL_BITMAP; a_position, an_id: INTEGER_32) insert_popup (a_menu: WEL_MENU; a_position: INTEGER_32; a_title: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) insert_separator (a_position: INTEGER_32) insert_string (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_position, an_id: INTEGER_32) modify_string (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; an_id: INTEGER_32) redraw (window: WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) remove_position (position: INTEGER_32) set_item (an_item: POINTER) set_shared set_unshared show_track (x, y: INTEGER_32; window: WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) show_track_with_option (x, y: INTEGER_32; window: WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW; option: INTEGER_32; rect: detachable WEL_RECT) uncheck_item (an_id: INTEGER_32) unhilite_menu_item (window: WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW; an_id: INTEGER_32)
Classes Clusters Cluster hierarchy Chart Relations Flat contracts Go to:

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