Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel
class WEL_REGION General cluster: wel description: "A region is a rectangle, polygon, or ellipse (or a combination of two or more of these shapes) that can be filled, painted, inverted, framed, and used to perform hit testing." create: make_empty, make_elliptic, make_elliptic_indirect, make_polygon_alternate, make_polygon_winding, make_rect, make_rect_indirect, make_by_pointer Ancestors WEL_GDI_ANY Queries combine (region: WEL_REGION; mode: INTEGER_32): WEL_REGION eif_current_object_id: INTEGER_32 eif_id_object (an_id: INTEGER_32): detachable ANY eif_is_object_id_of_current (an_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN eif_object_id (an_object: ANY): INTEGER_32 exists: BOOLEAN gdi_objects_count: INTEGER_32 get_region_box: WEL_RECT is_equal (other: [like Current] WEL_REGION): BOOLEAN item: POINTER object_id: INTEGER_32 point_in (x, y: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN rect_in (rect: WEL_RECT): BOOLEAN reference_tracked: BOOLEAN references_count: INTEGER_32 shared: BOOLEAN Commands decrement_reference delete dispose eif_object_id_free (an_id: INTEGER_32) enable_reference_tracking increment_reference offset (x_offset, y_offset: INTEGER_32) set_item (an_item: POINTER) set_rect (left, top, right, bottom: INTEGER_32) set_shared set_unshared -- Generated by Eiffel Studio --
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