Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel

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class WEL_TAB_CONTROL_ITEM General cluster: wel description: "Contains information about a tab control item. Note: There are two creation procedure. If you want to create the item with make, you will then have to add a wel window by yourself. This window must be create with the tab control as parent and it must be added to the item before the item is added to the tab_control. If you use make_with_window, you still can set another window, but you will have to do this before to add the item to the tab_control." create: make, make_with_window, make_by_pointer Ancestors WEL_STRUCTURE* WEL_TCIF_CONSTANTS WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES Queries cwin_hi_word (value: POINTER): INTEGER_32 cwin_lo_word (value: POINTER): INTEGER_32 cwin_make_long (low, high: INTEGER_32): POINTER cwin_make_lparam (low, high: INTEGER_32): POINTER dwlp_dlgproc: INTEGER_32 dwlp_msgresult: INTEGER_32 dwlp_user: INTEGER_32 eif_current_object_id: INTEGER_32 eif_id_any_object (an_id: INTEGER_32): detachable ANY eif_is_object_id_of_current (an_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN eif_object_id (an_object: ANY): INTEGER_32 exists: BOOLEAN foreground_window: detachable WEL_WINDOW Gwl_exstyle: INTEGER_32 Gwl_hinstance: INTEGER_32 Gwl_hwndparent: INTEGER_32 Gwl_id: INTEGER_32 Gwl_style: INTEGER_32 Gwl_userdata: INTEGER_32 Gwl_wndproc: INTEGER_32 Gwlp_hinstance: INTEGER_32 Gwlp_hwndparent: INTEGER_32 Gwlp_id: INTEGER_32 Gwlp_userdata: INTEGER_32 Gwlp_wndproc: INTEGER_32 iimage: INTEGER_32 is_equal (other: [like Current] WEL_TAB_CONTROL_ITEM): BOOLEAN is_terminal_service: BOOLEAN is_window (hwnd: POINTER): BOOLEAN item: POINTER key_down (virtual_key: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN key_locked (virtual_key: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN key_to_string (key_data: INTEGER_32): STRING_32 mask: INTEGER_32 Mb_abortretryignore: INTEGER_32 Mb_applmodal: INTEGER_32 Mb_default_desktop_only: INTEGER_32 Mb_defbutton1: INTEGER_32 Mb_defbutton2: INTEGER_32 Mb_defbutton3: INTEGER_32 Mb_defmask: INTEGER_32 Mb_help: INTEGER_32 Mb_iconasterisk: INTEGER_32 Mb_iconerror: INTEGER_32 Mb_iconexclamation: INTEGER_32 Mb_iconhand: INTEGER_32 Mb_iconinformation: INTEGER_32 Mb_iconmask: INTEGER_32 Mb_iconquestion: INTEGER_32 Mb_iconstop: INTEGER_32 Mb_iconwarning: INTEGER_32 Mb_nofocus: INTEGER_32 Mb_ok: INTEGER_32 Mb_okcancel: INTEGER_32 Mb_retrycancel: INTEGER_32 Mb_right: INTEGER_32 Mb_rtlreading: INTEGER_32 Mb_setforeground: INTEGER_32 Mb_systemmodal: INTEGER_32 Mb_taskmodal: INTEGER_32 Mb_topmost: INTEGER_32 Mb_typemask: INTEGER_32 Mb_usericon: INTEGER_32 Mb_yesno: INTEGER_32 Mb_yesnocancel: INTEGER_32 resource_string_id (an_id: INTEGER_32): STRING_32 shared: BOOLEAN Structure_size: INTEGER_32 system_directory: STRING_32 Tcif_image: INTEGER_32 Tcif_param: INTEGER_32 Tcif_rtlreading: INTEGER_32 Tcif_state: INTEGER_32 Tcif_text: INTEGER_32 text: STRING_32 tick_count: INTEGER_32 to_lparam (i: INTEGER_32): POINTER to_lresult (i: INTEGER_32): POINTER to_wparam (i: INTEGER_32): POINTER window: detachable WEL_WINDOW window_of_item (hwnd: POINTER): detachable WEL_WINDOW windows_directory: STRING_32 Commands copy (other: [like Current] WEL_TAB_CONTROL_ITEM) dispose eif_object_id_free (an_id: INTEGER_32) hide_cursor initialize initialize_with_character (a_character: CHARACTER_8) memory_copy (source_pointer: POINTER; length: INTEGER_32) message_beep_asterisk message_beep_exclamation message_beep_hand message_beep_ok message_beep_question output_debug_string (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) set_cursor_position_absolute (x, y: INTEGER_32) set_iimage (image_index: INTEGER_32) set_item (an_item: POINTER) set_mask (a_mask: INTEGER_32) set_shared set_text (a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) set_unshared set_window (a_window: WEL_WINDOW) show_cursor
Classes Clusters Cluster hierarchy Chart Relations Flat contracts Go to:

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