Object-Oriented Software Construction, 2nd Edition
Object-Oriented Software Construction, 2nd Edition by Bertrand Meyer.
Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference.
1254 + xxviii pp.
Soft cover.
ISBN 0-13-629155-4
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This Jolt Award winner takes the reader through the clear, logical, and comprehensive formation of a method for object-oriented software development ... the Eiffel method. During this journey, the author evolves a notation capable of expressing the products of each phase of development, from analysis through implementation. This notation is the Eiffel programming language.
Praise for Object-Oriented Software Construction, 2nd Edition
Roger Smith, on the Dr. Dobbs Journal website, writes:
"In my unbiased opinion [...] it is destined to become the comprehensive and definitive reference for most methodological and technical questions raised by object technology. Its width and breadth of scope is impressive, from object-oriented techniques like Design by Contract and inheritance, to methodology issues like patterns and class design, to advanced issues like concurrency and persistence."
In Unix Review, Stan Kelly-Bootle calls this book "The ultimate O-O guide."
Ian Graham, in Journal of Object-Oriented Programming calls it "Epoch-making".