Reuse or Generate an Execution Profile
The second screen of the wizard lets you reuse a previously generated Execution Profile or generate a new Execution Profile from a Run-time information record.
The profiler wizard has detected that one or more Execution Profiles have already been generated for this system in this compilation mode. If you have executed your system after the generation of the existing profile, select Generate a profile from Run-time information record to create a new Execution Profile for the newly produced Run-time information record.
However, if you have not executed your system since the generation of the last Execution Profile, there is no need to generate a new Execution Profile. If you are in the latter case, select Use existing profile and choose the last Execution Profile you have generated.

Clicking Next will lead you to the Third state if you have selected Generate a profile from Run-time information record. On the other hand if you have selected Use existing profile you will go to the Final state .