Mac OS X
Computer/Processor | x86-64 or ARM |
Operating System | Mac OS X 10.12 or above |
C compiler | Xcode 8.2 or greater |
Memory | 4GB of RAM |
Hard Disk | 1GB of free space |
ISE_PLATFORM | macosx-x86 for x86 based CPU, macosx-x86-64 for x64 based CPU and macosx-armv6 for ARM based CPU. |
- You will need to install Xcode from the App Store.After installing Xcode, make sure to install the command line tools by going to the Xcode preferences and under Downloads install the Command Line Tools components.
- You also need to install X11 from
Installing required dependencies of EiffeStudio
MacPorts is a tool that allows you to use many Unix applications on the Mac. Before we can proceed with the installation of EiffelStudio, we need to install the required dependencies of EiffeStudio. First, install MacPorts.
Installing EiffeStudio using MacPorts
Since we already install MacPorts, now simply type (from a bash terminal):
sudo port install eiffelstudio
Installing EiffelStudio manually
An alternative option is to install each dependency by hand using macPorts.
sudo port install pkgconfig sudo port install bzip2 sudo port install xorg-libXtst sudo port install gtk3
New required dependency for GTK3
sudo port install adwaita-icon-theme
Installing EiffelStudio from a compressed package
This section only applies if you have installed all the required prerequisites.
After downloading the compressed package, you should manually extract its contents to your hard drive. For example, you can extract it into /usr/local using the following commands (assuming that you have permission to /usr/local and that the installation package was saved in /tmp/Eiffel_X.Y.tar.bz2, where X.Y stands for the EiffelStudio version):cd /usr/local
tar xvfj /tmp/Eiffel_X.Y.tar.bz2
This will install EiffelStudio files into /usr/local/Eiffel_X.Y
. Once this is done, jump to the Setting up EiffelStudio section in order to complete the installation of EiffelStudio.
Setting up EiffelStudio
Once the files have been installed, you should define the following environment variables in order to run EiffelStudio:
for the 32 bits version ormacosx-x86-64
for the 64 bits version ormacosx-armv6
for the ARM version. We will be usingmacosx-x86-64
in the examples below.
and add $ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/bin
to your PATH environment variable.
Using sh or bash as a shell, it suffices to type the following commands:export ISE_EIFFEL=/usr/local/Eiffel_X.Y
export ISE_PLATFORM=macosx-x86-64
export PATH=$PATH:$ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/bin
Persisting Environment Variables
Se them up in the .bash_profile file once for good, so you don't need to set them up each time.1. Open the profile file into a text editor
2. Add the export command for every environment variable
3. Save your changes.
To immediately apply all changes to .bash_profile, use the source command. source ~/.bash_profile
Starting EiffelStudio
Now everything should be properly installed and you should be able to run the compiler. Simply navigate to /usr/local/Eiffel_X.Y
and double click the EiffelStudio icon.
Alternatively, you can also start EiffelStudio from the command line by entering the command estudio or use the command-line eiffel compiler ec.
If you are a new user to EiffelStudio, we recommend that you follow the EiffelStudio guided tour.
Registering the Enterprise Edition
This step assumes you have followed the instructions in the Setting up EiffelStudio section. Perform the following commands to start the registration process:cd $ISE_EIFFEL
A dialog asking for your Username and CD Key should appear as it does below:

Enter the information located inside the box that contains your copy of the EiffelStudio Enterprise Edition. Once the information is correct, the Register button will be enabled. Click Register to actually register EiffelStudio.
The first time you launch EiffelStudio, you will be asked for an activation key through the following dialog:

By clicking on the URL, a new web browser will appear with the requested fields automatically filled in with the appropriate information. Simply click Activate and a new page with an activation code will appear. Copy and paste the activation code in the first field and the Activate button should be enabled to let you activate your copy.
You can activate your copy up to three times. Once you have reached this threshold and need to reinstall your copy, contact Eiffel Software to request one more activation.
If no web browser appears, it is most likely because firefox is not installed on your machine or is not in your path. Instead you should manually launch a new web browser, go to the page , and enter the information manually. Then follow the above instructions as if the browser had been properly launched.
You may receive the following dialog when launching EiffelStudio:

This probably means that the register program was not launched or did not succeed in storing data to the following file $ISE_EIFFEL/install/limand/.ec_license. To solve this, rerun the register program with a user account that has permissions to write at $ISE_EIFFEL/install/limand and enter your Username and CD Key.
Once this is done, you can jump to the next section, Using EiffelStudio .
See the following video demonstrating how to activate EiffelStudio: