Hello World!
To compile the example:
- Launch EiffelStudio.
- Click Add project
- Browse to $ISE_EIFFEL\examples\wel\hello\.
- Choose hello.ecf
- Choose the location where the project will be compiled, by default the same directory containing the configuration file.
- Click OK.
After you launch the sample, You should see a window displayed as illustrated above. You will have full control over the window, and the program will quit when you close the window.
Under the Hood
MAIN_WINDOW inherits WEL_FRAME_WINDOW. In this example, we have redefined on_paint as shown below: on_paint (paint_dc: WEL_PAINT_DC; invalid_rect: WEL_RECT) --Draw a centered text do paint_dc.draw_centered_text("Hello, World!", client_rect) end
This sample contains the following classes:
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