Class Hierarchy
The generated Eiffel code reflects the architecture of the component described in the definition file. Each interface corresponds to a deferred Eiffel class that includes one deferred feature per interface function. The deferred features are implemented in heirs of the interface class. Classes inheriting from these interfaces implement either a coclass or an implemented interface (that is an interface whose instance might be used as an argument on one of the component interfaces functions).
Projects Accessing Existing COM Components
In a project accessing an existing component, the Eiffel classes corresponding to component coclasses inherit from the class
Projects Implementing New COM Components
In a project implementing a new component, the Eiffel classes corresponding to component coclasses inherit from the class
The Interface_proxy folder includes Eiffel classes wrapping interfaces that may be returned by functions on other interfaces. These classes inherit from both the deferred interface class located in Common\Interfaces and
The Interface_stub folder includes Eiffel classes implementing interfaces that may be given to the component as an argument. These classes inherit from both the deferred interface class and