Embed lines in 'if then...end' or in 'debug...end'
Embed lines in "if then...end" or in "debug...end"
EiffelStudio editor offers the possibility to embed several lines in "if then...end" or in "debug...end" structures.
- The first command corresponds to the Embed in if entry in the Advanced submenu of the Edit menu commands Menu . It may be called by using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+I" too. Its action is to insert a line with "if then" before the selected lines and a line with "end" after those lines. The lines will be indented and the cursor positioned between "if" and "then".
- The second command corresponds to the Embed in debug entry in the Advanced submenu of the Edit menu commands Menu . It may be called by using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+D" too. Its action is to insert a line with "debug" before the selected lines and a line with "end" after those lines. The lines will be indented and the cursor positioned after "debug" and "then".