

Computer/Processor x86 or x86-64
Operating System Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
C compiler Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or greater, or using MinGW (gcc) included in the EiffelStudio delivery
Memory 4GB of RAM
Hard Disk 1GB of free space.
ISE_PLATFORM windows for 32 bits version of Windows, win64 for 64 bits version of Windows.

Installing EiffelStudio from the Web

After downloading the EiffelXX.msi installation package, right click on it and select Install. This will launch the installation procedure. Follow the steps indicated in the dialogs to complete the installation.

Installing the Enterprise Edition.

Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. If you have the autorun facility enabled, the installation process will automatically be launched. Otherwise you can launch it by executing EiffelXX.msi located at the root of the CD. During the installation you will be asked for your Username and CD Key

Enter the information located inside the box that contains your copy of the EiffelStudio Enterprise Edition, or that you will have received via email. Once the information is correct, the Next button will be enabled. Click Next and follow the steps indicated in the dialogs to complete the installation.

Once installed, the first time you launch EiffelStudio, you will be asked for an activation key through the following dialog:

Registration dialog

By clicking on the URL, a new web browser will appear with the requested fields automatically filled in with the appropriate information. Simply click Activate and a new page with an activation code will appear. Copy and paste the activation code in the first field and the Activate button should be enabled to let you activate your copy.

You can activate your copy up to three times. Once you have reached this threshold and need to reinstall your copy, contact Eiffel Software to request one more activation.

You may receive the following dialog when launching EiffelStudio:

Registration incomplete

This probably means that EiffelStudio was not properly installed using the setup.exe program. Uninstall EiffelStudio and rerun the installation procedure by making sure to launch setup.exe and enter your Username and CD Key.

See the following video demonstrating how to activate EiffelStudio:

Installing EiffelStudio from the .7z archive

Installing the GPL version using the 7z archive is an alternative, even if the recommended solution remains using the MSI installer.The procedure is quite similar to Linux, see Linux:

  • Extract the .7z archive in a folder
  • set the ISE_EIFFEL variable to the location of the extracted Eiffel_X.Y folder
  • set the ISE_PLATFORM variable to win64 or windows
  • set the ISE_C_COMPILER variable to msc_vc140 , or msc if you use VisualStudio 2012 or before
  • And add to your PATH variable the values:
    • %ISE_EIFFEL%\studio\spec\%ISE_PLATFORM%\bin
    • %ISE_EIFFEL%\tools\spec\%ISE_PLATFORM%\bin
    • %ISE_EIFFEL%\library\gobo\spec\%ISE_PLATFORM%\bin

set PATH=%ISE_EIFFEL%\studio\spec\%ISE_PLATFORM%\bin;%ISE_EIFFEL%\tools\spec\%ISE_PLATFORM%\bin;%ISE_EIFFEL%\library\gobo\spec\%ISE_PLATFORM%\bin;%PATH%

The environment variables can be set for your system, or for each DOS console, a simple way is to create a file "setup.bat", within the Eiffel_X.Y folder, with the following content:set ISE_EIFFEL=%~dp0 set ISE_PLATFORM=win64 set ISE_C_COMPILER=msc_vc140 set PATH=%ISE_EIFFEL%\studio\spec\%ISE_PLATFORM%\bin;%ISE_EIFFEL%\tools\spec\%ISE_PLATFORM%\bin;%ISE_EIFFEL%\library\gobo\spec\%ISE_PLATFORM%\bin;%PATH%

.NET Support

To enable .NET support in EiffelStudio, it is necessary to install the Microsoft .NET Framework prior to starting the installation of EiffelStudio. EiffelStudio currently supports all the versions of the .NET Framework up to 4.0.

What about Windows 95, 98 and Me?

EiffelStudio will not run on Windows 95, 98 and Me. Contact Eiffel Software directly if you need support for those OSes. EiffelStudio generated code could run on 95, 98 and Me if no UI is being used. If the UI is used it could run but it requires installing the Microsoft Layer for Unicode.

Starting EiffelStudio

Now everything should be properly installed and you should be able to run the compiler. You can now launch EiffelStudio from the Start menu or from the EiffelStudio shortcut on your desktop. If you are a new user to EiffelStudio, we recommend that you follow the EiffelStudio guided tour.

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